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Gender roles

Gender roles

Gender roles are learned behaviours in a given society, community or other social group. They condition which activities, tasks and responsibilities are perceived as appropriate to males and females respectively. Gender roles are affected by age, socio-economic class, race/ethnicity, religion, and the geographical, economic, political and cultural environment.

(Gendered Innovations Website)

1. Gender roles are learned behaviours in a given society/community or other special group that condition what activities, tasks and responsibilities are perceived as male or female. Gender roles are affected by age, class, race, ethnicity or religion and by the geographical, economic and political environment. Changes in gender roles often occur in response to changing economic, social or political circumstances. (EC, Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015)

Both definitions have been endorsed by a number of partners but the highlighted one was preferred due to the non-binary element and the inclusion of cultural environment as an important factor affecting gender roles.