Click on the images above to access the interactive story map and final project report
Launch of Final Report in Malta: 25 May 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to announce an event to launch the final project report and interactive story map in Malta. The event will take place from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the InterContinental Malta and will be followed by a networking reception at 5:00 PM. You can find further information here.
Panel Discussion in London: 12 May 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to announce that Dr Vicki Squire will speak as part of a panel discussion titled 'Migration and Relationships in a Divided World' at the event Discover Society Special Issue Launch – 'Families and Relationships across Crises', hosted by Amnesty International UK. You can find further information and free event registration here.
Launch of Final Report in Brussels: 4 May 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat project has the pleasure of announcing the launch event of the project's final report and online story map, to take place in Brussels on 4 May 2017. You can find the invitation and further information here.
Keynote Speech in London: May 3rd 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to announce that Dr. Vicki Squire will deliver a keynote speech at the Birkbeck Institute for Social Research. You can register here.
PhD Workshop in Coventry: 27 April 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to announce a PhD workshop at the University of Warwick, Scarman Conference Centre, providing PhD researchers working on migration with an opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from senior colleagues.
International Conference in Coventry: 26 April 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to announce an international conference titled Migratory Experiences Across the Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa: Negotiating Policy Effects, taking place at the University of Warwick, Scarman Conference Centre. The conference will include a series of workshops addressing the important issues of precaritisation and the negotiation of policy effects by people on the move. The workshops will facilitate comparison of case studies and enable the identifcation of key knowledge, research, and policy gaps.
Lecture in Birzeit, Palestine: 5 April 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to announce a lecture by Dr Maria Pisani at the Ibrahim Abu Lughod Institute of International Studies at Birzeit University. More information on the lecture titled 'Illegalized Bodies Crossing the Mediterranean - Some Critical Reflections on the European "Refugee Crisis"' can be found here.
Keynote Speech in Kent: March, 18th 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to announce that Dr. Vicki Squire will deliver a keynote speech at the Kent Critical Law Society annual conference.
Departmental Lecture in Leicester: March, 8th 2017
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to announce that Dr. Vicki Squire will deliver a departmental lecture at the University of Leicester.
Event in Coventry: January 30th 2017, 6-7:30pm
The Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat project is pleased to invite you to attend an event organised by the BREM Network: "Precarious Trajectories: voices from the Mediterranean migration crisis", a film by Dr Simon Parker (University of York), followed by Q&A discussion with Dr Simon Parker, Dr Myria Georgiou (LSE), and Dr Vicki Squire (University of Warwick).
Set on location in Libya, Italy and Greece during 2015-2016, at the height of the Mediterranean migration crisis, Precarious Trajectories focuses on the perilous sea crossings that hundreds of thousands of refugees have undertaken in recent years in order to arrive at what they hope will be the safer shores of Europe through the eyes of Ruha from Syria and Ahmed from Somalia.
To register for the event and for further details, follow this link. For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Ivano di Carlo:
Governing migration through death in Europe and the US: Identification, burial and the crisis of modern humanism
Audio recording of Dr Vicki Squire's presentation at the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford
Border deaths have become an established feature of contemporary migratory politics in both Europe and the US. This article examines similarities and differences in practices of ‘governing migration through death’ across the US–Mexico (Sonoran) and in the EU–North African (Mediterranean) contexts. Instead of taking a conventional comparative analysis of two distinct sites, I draw on critical scholarship in the field of border studies in order to examine biopolitical, thanatopolitical and necropolitical dynamics of bordering that cross contexts. I argue that these operations of power converge in both European and US bordering practices, specifically through a form of biophysical violence that operates directly on the biological functions of migrating bodies.
To listen to Dr Squire's presentation of her paper, follow this link.
Workshop to present second evidence briefing in Athens
The Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat project is pleased to announce a project workshop taking place in Athens (Electra Palace Hotel, 18 Nikodimou Street) on November 11th, 2016 from 9.30 to 12.30. The project team will present findings from the second research phase and launch a new policy brief. You can find more information here.
Event in Brussels: February 16, 16.00 - 17.30
The Crossing the Mediterranean by Boat project is pleased to announce its first public event, taking place in the University of Warwick Brussels Office on February 16th, 2016 from 16.00 to 17.30, followed by a networking cocktail. The project team will present findings from the first research phase and launch a new policy brief. For more information and to register, please contact Xenia Tsitiridou:
"Valletta 2015: Sharing responsibility for a ‘migration crisis’?"
An unpublished paper by Dr Vicki Squire on the Valletta Summit, 11 November 2015.
The Valletta summit of 11-12th November 2015 was initiated by the European Council in light of an emergent ‘migration crisis’. It focuses on developing “existing cooperation processes between Europe and Africa”, and continues on-going efforts since 2010 toward the EU’s Global Approach to Migration and Mobility. The ‘migration crisis’ says much about the failures of such an approach. Rising numbers of deaths across the Mediterranean Sea and increasingly difficult conditions for those crossing Europe have intensified calls for an approach that does not prioritise restrictive measures against unauthorised migrants entering the EU. Addressing the underlying causes of the ‘migration crisis’ thus equires careful assessment of the limits of the EU’s ‘global approach’ to migration, particularly in relation to Valletta’s emphasis on “shared responsibility” across five areas tabled for discussion at the summit: prevention, anagement, protection, enforcement and returns.
To continue reading, follow this link.