Articles and book chapters:
- Squire, V. (2017) "Governing migration through death in Europe and the US: Identification, burial, and the crisis of modern humanism", European Journal of International Relations, published early view September 2016. A longer version of this paper is available here.
- Squire, V. (2017) "Divided Seas, Parallel Lives", Women's Studies Quarterly, 45 (1&2): 69-89
- Squire, V. (2017) "Sharing Stories with Gabriel", in L. Mavelli and E.K. Wilson (Eds.), The Refugee Crisis and Religion (Rowman and Littlefield), pp. 109-118. A longer version of this paper is available here.
- Squire, V. (2016) "Unauthorised migration beyond structure/agency? Acts, interventions, effects" , Politics, published on early view December 2016. A longer version of this paper is available here.
Op-Eds and Blogs
- Squire, V. (2018) “EU Efforts to Prevent Migration From Libya Does Not Respect or Value Lives”, The Globe Post, 8 September 2018. You can read this article here.
- Squire, V. (2018) “Crew ship of NGO impounded in Malta sound alarm as search and rescue collaboration founders in Mediterranean”, The Conversation, 4 July 2018. You can read this article here.
- Squire, V. (2018) “Asylum Processing Centres in North Africa would merely mask the EU’s migration failings”, The Conversation, 26 June 2018. You can read this article here.
- Squire, V. (2016) "Humanitarian Corridors: Beyond Humanitarian Gesture", openDemocracy, 17 October 2016. A longer version of this paper is available here.
- Squire, V. (2016) “Flights to Italy for Refugees Offer a Humanitarian Way Forward for Europe”, The Conversation, 5 October 2016. A longer version of this paper is available here.
- Squire, V. (2016) “Hotspot Stories from Europe’s Border”, openDemocracy, 7 June 2016. You can read this article here.
- Squire, V. (2016) “12 days in Lampedusa: The potential and perils of a photo essay.” FocaalBlog, 11 January 2016. A longer version of this paper is available here.
- Squire, V. (2015) "EU leaders seek to share responsibility for migration in Malta", The Conversation, 11 November 2015. You can read this article here.
- Squire, V. (2015), "Valletta 2015: Sharing responsibility for a ‘migration crisis’?", Paper on the Valletta Summit, 11 November 2015. A longer version of this paper is available here.
- Squire, V. (2015) "Twelve Days in Lampedusa", Picture essay. A longer version of this paper is available here.