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Press coverage of our Research on the CT CSS

The Middle East Eye have given significant coverage to research conducted on the Neoliberal Terror project, highlighting the ethical concerns we raised about Counterterrorism Policing accessing medical data without consent and using it to covertly manage people in the community.

Ethical concerns raised over NHS data sharing with counterterrorism policeLink opens in a new window

Thu 11 Jul 2024, 11:52

Report Launch 10th July 2024 - Exposing NHS collaboration with Counterterrorism Policing

Professor Heath-Kelly will be joined by speakers from Amnesty, Open Rights Group, Preventwatch and Healing Justice London to launch the new MedAct report: Unhealthy Liaisons: NHS Collaboration with The Counter Terrorism Clinical Consultancy Service. The MedAct report is based on findings from the ERC Neoliberal Terror project about Counterterrorism Policing's covert use of medical information in England and Wales. The launch will take place from 18:30 on the 10th July, at Amnesty's offices in Shoreditch. The event will be hybrid and registrations can be made here:

Tue 25 Jun 2024, 13:12

'Due Regard' Film Screening - Sheffield

The date has been released for the screening of our Prevent film 'Due Regard' in Sheffield, Tuesday 5th March 2024. All details can be found on the link below.

If you would like to attend please register via this link Sheffield RegistrationLink opens in a new window

Thu 22 Feb 2024, 13:34

'Due Regard' first screening

On 30th January 2024, we screened our documentary film 'Due Regard' to a packed cinema at Warwick Arts Centre! We were also joined by Dr Aitlhadj of Preventwatch for a discussion panel after the film. Screenings to follow in London and Sheffield.


Tue 30 Jan 2024, 16:13 | Tags: Amnesty, prevent

Prevent documentary film 'Due Regard', screening date released....

We are delighted to announce that the first date for the screening of our documentary film 'Due Regard' has now been released. The screening will be held at The University of Warwick, Arts Centre, on Tuesday 30th January 2024 @ 13:00. Refreshments will be provided.

Attendance is free of charge, all we ask is that you complete the on-line registrationLink opens in a new window.

Further dates will be announced shortly for screenings in London & Manchester.

Tue 16 Jan 2024, 15:16 | Tags: Amnesty, prevent

Research Findings reported in New Amnesty report on Prevent

Our research findings on the UK's Police-Led Partnerships have informed Amnesty's new report on the Prevent Strategy, 'This is the Thought Police: The Prevent Duty and its Chilling Effect on Human Rights'. Many of our project's publications are also cited in the report, and Amnesty will show clips from the films we are producing (on personal experiences of Prevent referrals) at their launch events in Birmingham and London! We are delighted to be collaborating with Amnesty on this important work.

Amnesty UK Prevent ReportLink opens in a new window

Fri 03 Nov 2023, 07:51 | Tags: Amnesty, prevent

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