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Visiting Research Fellow - Dr Cecilia Vergnano

Dr Cecilia Vergnano is a Social Anthropologist from the University of Barcelona, with a PhD dissertation on forced (im)mobilities of Roma migrants in Europe. She is currently a Marie Slodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Sciences Research (AISSR) of the University of Amsterdam, with a research project about the social and political impacts of the reintroduction of border controls within the Schengen area and the policing of asylum-seekers autonomous mobility through pushbacks at internal EU borders. In particular, her research focuses on the social life of the French/Italian and Austrian/Italian borders, with a particular attention to the evolution of everyday border practices by security actors, undocumented asylum seekers, local residents and informal border-crossing facilitators. Her research interests are borderization processes, forced (im)mobilities, racialization processes, border-crossing facilitation practices, territorial stigmatization, forced evictions. She will be based in PAIS from 24 October to 7 November 2019 working with Nick Vaughan-Williams in connection with the 'Border Narratives' project and can be contacted at

Fri 04 Oct 2019, 11:00