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Guidelines for Toolkit Authors

The WICID Methods Lab (WML) supports research on, and critical thinking about, how we learn and study development. The WML Toolkit Series is published by the University of Warwick Press and focuses on developing new, innovative and inclusive methods of researching international development and the inequalities that are deeply entrenched in local, national and global relations.  The Toolkit Series addresses challenging, complex and compound methods and methodologies to understand and communicate the complexity of our world.  WML Toolkits will develop strategies of researching and learning in collaborative ways that are easily communicable and interdisciplinary. The choice of methods should be led by intellectual rigour, ethical practice, and inclusivity.

The proposed Toolkits must include an overview of the relevant thinking and literature on the method, a clear description of the method, advice on how it can be used in different contexts and across disciplines, any limitations and challenges to be considered when using it. This can be structured and presented in the way the author(s) deem most appropriate. 

If you wish to contribute to this series, please contact the WICID Administrator ( with a short outline, including the points above. The WICID Executive Board will review the outline. If approved, the Board will work with you to get the full text reviewed by 2 peer reviewers from different disciplines. We will also work with the Press to design the Toolkit and publish it online. Each Toolkit will have its own unique ISBN number and DOI link.  

In preparing your text please keep the following in mind:  

  1. The text should be in the English language; we can also publish in another language if an English translation is provided. The language should be simple, clear and non-jargonistic, so that readers across different disciplines are able to engage with the work.  
  2. Concepts used in the Toolkit should be defined clearly at the start or in footnotes.
  3. The Toolkits should be interdisciplinary in their approach for a Toolkit to be successful, it is important to show how the research method outlined can be used by researchers across disciplinary boundaries.
  4. Toolkits should not be any longer than 7500 words in length.
  5. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a 50-100 word abstract.
  6. Manuscript files should be submitted in Microsoft Word.
  7. All Toolkits should use author-date in-text citations, including all authors' full first and last names. 
  8. Please ensure that all material, including extracts, endnotes, references, appendixes, and captions for illustrations, is double-spaced.
  9. Authors complete mailing addresses should be included.
  10. All tables must be in word processing files rather than spreadsheet or database files.