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Submission, Assessment & Examination Information

General Information

This page contains information that is relevant to all students who are following MA programmes in the Philosophy Department or who take MA modules in the Philosophy Department. You can find links to required forms, as well as other important information on this page. Please read all the information carefully and email if you have any questions.

Important Information

  1. Departmental Academic Study Skills Moodle page (aimed at Undergraduate Students but may also be helpful for Master's students). Please contact the DSEP (Director of Student Experience and Progression) if you have any queries.
  2. Procedure for submitting assessed Essays/Dissertations
  3. MA Marking CriteriaLink opens in a new window
  4. MA Dissertation Submission Guidelines
  5. Examination Conventions for the taught element of the MA programme
  6. Penalties for late submission of work
  7. Resubmission of failed work
  8. Extension Requests & Mitigating Circumstances
  9. Plagiarism and Proofreading Guidelines for Submitted Work
  10. Feedback in the Philosophy MA Programmes

Deadlines for MA Module Assignments and Dissertations 2023-24

A full schedule of essay deadlines for the 2023-24 academic year can be found here.

Any external students taking Philosophy modules should also refer to these deadlines.

You are required to discuss essay topics with module tutors at the earliest opportunity and before the module finishes. Students must have their essay titles approved by their course tutors (email approval is acceptable) and the appropriate online form (see the top right hand side of this webpage) must be submitted.

Please note any full time MA student who wishes to apply for a PhD should submit a draft essay to their referee(s) by early January to allow the referee(s) the chance to view work prior to writing a reference.

Marks and Feedback

The Department aims to provide agreed marks for assessed essays (that are subject to the Examination Board and external examiner approval) on Tabula within 20 working days of submission. Please note the minimum pass mark for all postgraduate modules is 50.

External Modules

Students on MA programmes in Philosophy who take modules from other departments should always submit work for these modules by deadlines set by the relevant department. If you are not sure what these deadlines are, please check with the relevant departmental office.

Students taking external modules must also comply with any word limits or style requirements set by the offering Department.

For details about the permitted number of external modules, please refer to your course specification.

MA Course Forms

MA Essay Title Submission Form (for Term 1 and Term 2 essay titles)

MA Dissertation Supervisor Allocation Form

MA Dissertation Title Submission Form

Assessed work cover sheet (Cover sheet must be attached to the front of your Philosophy essays/dissertation before submission on Tabula)