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Dr Andrew Cooper is a BBC/AHRC New Generation Thinker for 2023

Dr Andrew Cooper has been named a BBC/AHRC New Generation Thinker for 2023. Each year a select group of ten early career researchers from across the UK are chosen by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and BBC Radio 3 to become a New Generation Thinker. This prestigious NGT status will provide Dr Cooper with a unique opportunity to make radio broadcasts for the BBC, and disseminate his research on German philosopher Amalia Holst to a wider audience. Dr Cooper will also benefit from training and development provided by the AHRC. For further details about the scheme see here:


Thu 06 Apr 2023, 15:36 | Tags: Home Page, impact

Dr Karen Simecek Wins An Excellence in Impact with a Third Sector Organisation Award

Dr Karen Simecek has won the Award for Excellence in Impact with a Third Sector Organisation at the Social Science Impact Celebration event that took placed on 27 March 2023. This was in recognition of her ongoing work with national charity Poet in the City.

Dr Simecek's research has achieved transformational impact on national charity, Poet in the City’s work with communities by embedding an ethical framework (in the form of a poetic manifesto) into the development and launch of their Newcastle Poetry Exchange Hub. This has provided Poet in the City with a model that will shape the development of future Poetry Exchange Hubs up and down the country. Katie Matthews (interim CEO, Poet in the City) commented: “The poetic manifesto has become an important, practical tool in developing and delivering PinC projects, highlighting key principles and considerations when writing poetry with and for different communities. Used alongside our Theory of Change, the manifesto helps to ensure we genuinely centre the voices of the communities we work with and capture their stories authentically and sensitively.”

Wed 29 Mar 2023, 14:54 | Tags: impact

'Emily Dickinson and Pivoting Thought' by Professor Eileen John Features in 'Women in the History of Philosophy' Open Access Focus by the Oxford University Press

As part of Oxford UP's focus in March on 'Women in the History of Philosophy'Link opens in a new window, Eileen John's paper on the poetry of Emily Dickinson, 'Dickinson and Pivoting Thought', in The Poetry of Emily Dickinson (ed. Elisabeth Camp), has been made available for open access this month. How does Dickinson's poetry address our limitations and ambitions as knowers? E.g., what do you make of ... 'I found the words to every thought / I ever had - but One - ' (Fr 436, J 581; 1862)?

Dickinson and Pivoting Thought, Eileen John | The Poetry of Emily Dickinson | Oxford Academic ( opens in a new window.

Thu 16 Mar 2023, 14:04 | Tags: Home Page, impact

Launch of the IAA Project Report on 'Co-Creational Media', Co-Authored by Professor Fabienne Peter

Professor Fabienne Peter, together with co-author Jonathan Heawood, have officially launched the report of their project, ‘Co-Creational Media: Committing to Truth and Public Participation’. The report assesses the ethical and practical implications of a new form of participatory journalism, produced not only for, but with communities. The full report can be viewed on the Public Interest News Foundation website. See here:

The project was funded by an ESRC Impact Acceleration Award from The University of Warwick.

Wed 15 Mar 2023, 12:53 | Tags: Home Page, impact

Professor Fabienne Peter Discusses Philosopher John Rawls on BBC Radio 4's 'In Our Time'

Professor Fabienne Peter was a guest on a recent edition of BBC Radio 4’s ‘In Our Time’, hosted by Melvyn Bragg. In this programme (broadcast 19/1/2023), Professor Peter and other expert speakers discuss the American philosopher John Rawls, and explore his Theory of Justice. Listen on BBC Sounds:

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time, Rawls' Theory of Justice

Tue 24 Jan 2023, 13:54 | Tags: Home Page, impact

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