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Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and The Arts Events, 2019/2020

Unless otherwise stated, CRPLA seminars take place on Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00pm in Room S0.11 (ground floor of Social Studies). All welcome. For further information, please contact Diarmiud Costello:

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Tue 13 Oct, '20
CRPLA Reading Group: Philosophy in a Time of Crisis
Tue 27 Oct, '20
CRPLA Reading Group: Philosophy in a Time of Crisis
Tue 24 Nov, '20
CRPLA Reading Group: Philosophy in a Time of Crisis
Tue 8 Dec, '20
CRPLA Reading Group: Philosophy in a Time of Crisis
Tue 8 Jun, '21
CRPLA/CPKEP Joint Event: Naomi Waltham-Smith Book Launch
Mon 21 Jun, '21
CRPLA & Environmental Humanities Network: Reading Group on Kim Stanley Robinson's The Ministry for the Future
Mon 28 Jun, '21
CRPLA & Environmental Humanities Network: Reading Group on Kim Stanley Robinson's The Ministry for the Future
Tue 15 Mar, '22
CRPLA Seminar: Lorenzo Serini (Warwick), "Friedrich Nietzsche: Cheerful Thinker and Writer. A Reflection on Cheerfulness and the Style(s) of Philosophy"
R0.14 (and on Teams)

The theme of cheerfulness in Nietzsche's philosophy has recently been at the centre of an important debate in the literature between Robert Pippin (2010) and Lanier Anderson and Rachel Cristy (2017). Engaging with these scholars, I will consider three major questions: (1) What is cheerfulness? (2) What is its value for philosophy? (3) Is Nietzsche a cheerful thinker and writer? If yes, in what sense? As insinuated by the title of this presentation, I propose that it is possible to argue that starting from his middle writings Nietzsche thinks and writes cheerfully in some of his works, including a number of significant ones.

In person and on Teams:

Click here to join the meetingLink opens in a new window

Wed 20 Apr, '22
The Warwick Dinner Party
Faculty of Arts Building Atrium

This is a collective-creative project, taking place as part of the Warwick Resonate Campus Festival. The Dinner Party is a showcase for concrete presentation of ideas, questions, and speculation about food and meals, past, present and future. Contact for more information about how to participate.

Tue 24 May, '22
CRPLA Symposium: Celebrating Beistegui and Poellner
S0.20 / Teams
CRPLA will celebrate the Warwick careers of our long-time Philosophy colleagues, Professor Miguel Beistegui and Professor Peter Poellner, by enjoying talks from them, followed by discussion and a reception. There will be Teams access to the talks: Click here to join the meetingLink opens in a new window
Professor Beistegui will follow up on the CRPLA reading group that he led in Autumn 2020:
“On the Manifold Meaning of Crisis: Deviation, Exception, Contradiction, Extinction”
Professor Poellner will introduce us to his new bookLink opens in a new window from Oxford UP:
'Précis of Value in Modernity'
Tue 11 Oct, '22
CRPLA Book Symposium on Karen Zumhagen-Yekplé, A Different Order of Difficulty: Literature after Wittgenstein
A0.23 (Soc Sci) and on Teams

Panelists Eileen John, Nick Lawrence, and Emma Williams (Warwick), with comments by Professor Zumhagen-Yekplé (who will join us on Teams)

Mon 24 Oct, '22
MAP/CRPLA Film Screening: The Milk of Sorrow (2009, dir. Claudia Llosa)
Fri 18 Nov, '22
CRPLA Workshop: In Celebration of Marcel Proust

Talks by Peter Boxall, Joshua Landy, Patrick Bray and Jeremiah Tillman.

Tue 22 Nov, '22
CRPLA - Mead Gallery Roundtable on Radical Landscapes

Roundtable discussion of the Radical Landscapes Exhibition at the Mead Gallery (opens 7 October). Commentators: David Bather Woods, Diarmuid Costello, Chris Earley, Nadine Elzein, Nick Lawrence, Danielle Stewart

Wed 21 Jun, '23
On Bad Art - CRPLA Panel Online

Presenters: Mélissa Thériault (Université du Québec á Trois Rivières), Matthew Strohl (University of Montana), and Celia Coll (University of Hertfordshire)

Mon 3 Jul, '23
Art in Art - CRPLA talks and party

Join us for an end-of-year CRPLA party, with short talks on the phenomenon of artworks showing up in other artworks.


Michael Bell on D. H. Lawrence, Thomas Mann, and Schubert

Diarmuid Costello on Cildo Meireles' Insertions in Ideological Systems: Coca Cola Project

Eileen John on Marc Chagall's I and the Village in Alice Munro's 'Soon'

Nick Lawrence on Roberto Bolaño's "Days of 1978"

Helmut Schmitz on Annie Leibowitz’ photo of John Lennon & Yoko Ono in Ulrich Woelk’s novel Liebespaare (Couples)

Please rsvp to

Thu 12 Oct, '23
CRPLA Event - Heather Altfeld and Troy Jollimore: ‘Dreams and Journeys: Two California Writers’

Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts


Thursday 12 October, R0.04, 5-7pm

Heather Altfeld and Troy Jollimore: ‘Dreams and Journeys: Two California Writers’


Heather Altfeld is a poet and essayist. She teaches in the Honors Program and for the Department of Comparative Religion and Humanities at California State University, Chico. Altfeld's first book, The Disappearing Theatre, won the 2015 Poets at Work Prize. She is the 2017 recipient of the Robert H. Winner Award from the Poetry Society of America and the 2015 recipient of the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Conjunctions Magazine, Aeon, Orion Magazine, Narrative, ZYZZYVA, Poetry Northwest, and others.


Altfeld's second book of poems, Post-Mortem, was selected for the 2019 Orison Prize. Spanning ages and species and cultures, it pays tribute to the passing glory of this planet and all that our hands have made. Eric Pankey writes, "Post-Mortem is a brilliant, baroque, and word-crazed collection of poems. While the primary mode of the poems is elegiac (many taking as their forms obituaries, autopsies, and kaddishes), one cannot help but delight in Altfeld's reverie and in the breadth and depth of her inquiry, her exploration, her katabasis as she leads us like Virgil through a stunning and elaborate posthumous world."



Troy Jollimore is the author of three books of philosophy and four books of poetry, and the editor of the forthcoming book, The Virtue of Loyalty (Oxford University Press, 2024). He received the National Book Critics Circle Award for poetry in 2007, and a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2013; his third poetry collection, Syllabus of Errors, was selected by the New York Times as one of the ten best poetry collections of 2015. His philosophical work often centers on personal relationships and the emotional phenomena they involve, particularly as related to friendship, romantic love, and various forms of loyalty.


He has also published on topics including admirable immorality, the ethics of terrorism, practical reasoning and the nature of instrumental reason, grief, anxiety, philosophy of poetry, and the philosophical dimensions of depictions of love in such films as Her, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Rear Window, and Vertigo. In his essays and reviews for mainstream nonacademic publications he has addressed topics including relations between religion and science, questions regarding quality of life and competing conceptions of the good life, issues of political resistance and individual conscience in morally imperfect societies, the value of humanities-based education, and the increasing glorification of strictly quantitative, "data-driven" evaluative practices at the expense of qualitative evaluation and appreciation.


Heather and Troy will read from their work, followed by a conversation.


Tue 24 Oct, '23
CANCELLED - CRPLA Event - Antal Bokay: ‘Hysteria-Criticism and Paranoia-Criticism: Surrealism's Adventures with Psychoanalysis and the Mysteries of the Soul’

Surrealism, a major movement of late modernism in the 1920s and 1930s, showed an enigmatic parallel with and interest in psychoanalysis as the poets, painters and novelists tried to open a new depth of personal self-understanding. They were “loving Freud madly”: they studied psychoanalysis, Breton and Dalí visited Freud, and they integrated the basic ideas of psychoanalysis into their literary and theoretical discourses. Breton put the dream and automatism at the centre and developed a kind of hysteria-criticism, while Dalí introduced a more radical paranoia-criticism in his theories and creative work. Dalí’s work showed important parallel ideas with the psychoanalysis of the early Jacques Lacan. Dalí in 1938 visited Freud in London and took with him his freshly finished picture “The Metamorphosis of Narcissus”. This major painting is an excellent summary of his paranoia-criticism. The structuring of the picture, and the act of imagining the world through a paranoid-critical method, creates a surrealistic-hallucinatory psycho-analysis, and speaks of Dali’s narcissistic lacks and excesses as well as our own.

Tue 5 Dec, '23
CRPLA Event - Helmut Schmitz: ‘How To Have One's Cake And Eat It: Navid Kermani's Große Liebe, Sufi Mysticism, And Paradoxical Cultural Identities’

Navid Kermani’s novel Große Liebe (2014, Love Writ Large) charts the development of a young teenager’s infatuation with an A-level student in the early 1980s in Germany. The love story is refracted through the adult narrator’s reflections and through readings from Sufi mysticism and Nizami’s 12th ct. epic poem Lailï and Majnûn. This creates a narrative framework in which (Iranian and Muslim) cultural sources and (West German) cultural memory subtly comment on one another, allowing Kermani to ironically undermine both contemporary masculinity and his narrator’s former self as lover while simultaneously reflecting on the cultural and religious traditions of his own background and their relations to a Western tradition of love. The paper examines Kermani’s ironic narrative construction in the context of his construction of a paradoxical cultural identity.

Fri 8 Mar, '24
CRPLA Symposium - Critical Theory in the Digital Age
S2.77 (the Cowling Room)
Tue 22 Oct, '24
CRPLA/Mead Gallery Panel Discussion - Material World: Contemporary Artists and Textiles
Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre
Please join us for a panel discussion at the Mead Gallery, reflecting on the works and themes of the Mead autumn exhibition, Material World: Contemporary Artists and Textiles (curated by Hayward Touring).
IMPORTANT! You need to register for this event here: Choose Seats | Warwick Arts Centre
Holly Hendry (contributing artist)
Dr. Jane Partner (literature and material culture scholar and artist, Cambridge)
Dr. Lucy Barry (philosopher and weaver)
Dr. Marta Ajmar (historian of art, craft and design, and museum practitioner, Warwick)
All welcome!
Tue 19 Nov, '24
CRPLA Seminar: Miguel Beistegui (ICREA/UPF), 'Tragedy, Crisis, and the State of Exception: On Carl Schmitt’s Hamlet or Hecuba'

Teams link here

Wed 20 Nov, '24
CRPLA/Film &TV Seminar: Eugenie Brinkema (MIT), 'Drabness and Ethics (on the Values of Formalism)'
FAB0.21 - Cinema
Thu 5 Dec, '24
PKEP & CRPLA Collaborative Seminar - Paul Kottman (New School), 'Ethics and Contemporary Aesthetic Culture'
Fri 10 Jan, '25
CRPLA Book Symposium: Philosophy of Lyric Voice

Please join us for a symposium on Karen Simecek's new book, Philosophy of Lyric Voice (Bloomsbury), with commentaries AND poetry, and a response from Dr. Simecek.

Speakers: Celia Coll, David Fearn, Eileen John, and Stacey McDowell.

Poetry: Jasmine GardosiLink opens in a new window, Birmingham Poet Laureate

The book is available on-line through the library:
