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UKRI Future Leaders Fellow - EOIs Invited

UKRI have recently relaunched the Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) for 2022. The Future Leaders Fellowships scheme aims to develop, retain, attract and sustain research and innovation talent across UK business and academia. The scheme is open to early career researchers but it should be noted that the early career eligibility criteria are reasonably broad and inclusive in terms of years since PhD and the holding of an academic contract. The Fellowships are structured as 4+3 year awards, and they include the requirement for financial contributions from departments towards salary support in the later years. There is also a commitment to offer a path towards an open-ended research position by the end of the fellowship. The limits on minimum and maximum award value have been removed for this round (however, proposals with costs over £1.5 million total require additional justification).

 In addition to inviting applications from within the department, we would also be interested in considering applications from candidates who do not currently work at UoW. We would therefore be grateful if you would forward these details to anyone who you believe may be interested in submitting an application and who has research interests which align with those of the department.

 UKRI is limiting the numbers of submissions that can be made by institution, so all applications will be subject to a two-stage selection process prior to approval. For the first stage, the department is inviting expressions of interest to include:

  • Primary area of research of the fellowship (no more than 1 page)
  • CV

 EOIs should be submitted to Clare Simpson ( by 5pm on Tuesday, 23rd August.