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Dino Jakušić

dino dot jakusic dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk

[NB: This is my old webpage. For my current position see here: Dino Jakusic, Assistant Professor - Pathways to Knowledge Fellow - Institute of Advanced Studies, Warwick]

I am a Teaching Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Warwick. Broadly speaking, my work traces the historical and philosophical developments of the systems of metaphysics in European philosophy, specifically in the Early-Modern period and German Idealism. I focus particularly on the work of Christian Wolff, Immanuel Kant, and G.W.F. Hegel, and the interrelation that can be found between their metaphysical systems. I am also branching into investigating the conceptions of knowing in the same period, as well as the systematic function of Natural Theology.

At the moment, I am writing an article on Maria Rosa Antognazza's (as I call it) Neo-Traditional model of epistemology and how Wolffian philosophy might contribute to this project.

Recent publications

Book Chapters

'Wolff on Ontology as Primary Philosophy'
Metaphysics as a Science in Classical German Philosophy
R. Dunphy & T. Lovat, (eds.) 2023, Routledge

Peer-reviewed Articles

'Grounding Religious Toleration: Kant and Wolff on Dogmatic Conflict'
Diametros, 17(65), pp. 12-31.

'Heretical Geometry: Christian Wolff on the Impossibility of Dogmatic Conflict'
Church History and Religious Culture, 100(2-3), pp. 287-300.

'Spinoza’s Principle of Essential Derivation'
Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 26

Book Reviews

Hegel and Metaphysics: On Logic and Ontology in the System
ed. Allegra de Laurentiis
Hegel Bulletin, 42:2, 2021
Accepted Manuscript ("AM") version

Hegel and Ancient Philosophy: A Re-Examination
ed. Glenn Alexander Magee
Hegel Bulletin, 41:2, August 2020

Popular Articles

'Spinoza on God and Nature'
ThinKnow: Philosophy Magazine, Issue 2, Feb 2021
Link to abstractLink opens in a new window

Recent talks and conference presentations

  • ‘(Against) Conceptual Foundationalism – the Cherbury-Locke Debate’,
    Challenging Concepts Debating Conceptualism and Non-Conceptualism in Epistemology and Metaphysics February 2024, University of Padua
  • ‘Christian Wolff and the Strong Belief-Knowledge Distinction’,
    Dutch Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy IX
    May 2023, Utrecht University
  • ‘Christian Wolff and the Strong Belief-Knowledge Distinction’,
    British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Conference
    April 2023, University of Aberdeen
  • ‘What Mediaeval Philosophy Got Right: Wolff on the Scholastics’,
    Philosophical Perspectives on Medieval Theories of Science
    September 2022, Max-Planck, Berlin
  • ‘Theistic Arguments and the Theoretical Function of God in Early Modern Philosophy: an Example of Christian Wolff’,
    Rethinking the Narratives of Early Modern Philosophy
    September 2022, University of Copenhagen
  • ‘Hegel’s conception of ontology and its Wolffian characteristics’,
    Examining the Sources of Hegel’s Logic
    June 2022, University of Warwick
  • 'Kantian Religious Toleration Today, its Limits, and Pre-Kantian Challenges'
    a presentation at IX Multilateral Kant Colloquium: Justice, Peace, and Cosmopolitan Values
    22-24/09/2021, University of Lisbon
  • 'Wolff on Ontology as Primary Philosophy'
    a presentation at Metaphysics as a Science in Classical German Philosophy
  • 'Metaphysics, Ontology, Criticism: Dogmatist Baggage in Kant's Notion of the Transcendental'
    a presentation at CRMEP Graduate Conference: Afterlives of The Transcendental
  • ‘Kant, Wolff, Metaphysics: Why is Kant’s Proof called Ontological?’
    a presentation at Leuven Kant Conference
  • ‘Kant, Wolff, and Religious Freedom’
    an invited talk for The Academic Philosophy Society
    University of Warwick
  • 'Hegel's Ontological Argument'
    a presentation at Examining Hegel's Idea of Self-Determination conference
    University of Warwick
  • 'Heretical Geometry: Wolff's Method and the Case of Spinoza'
    presentation at Orthodoxy, Heresy, and Indifference conference
    Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • 'The Science of Being or Beings: Hegel and Aristotle on First Philosophy'
    presentation at Hegel Society of Great Britain Annual Conference: 'Hegel and the Greeks'
    St. Edmund's Hall, University of Oxford
  • 'Christian Wolff and the Invention of Ontology'
    presentation at Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy IX
    University of Aberdeen
  • 'Science as a Habit in Christian Wolff'
    British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Conference
    University of Durham

Dino's portrait

Most of my work can be found on my Academia page.

The proper surname pronunciation is [jâkuʃitɕ], although I do not mind. The first name, however, sounds like the Flintstones character, never as 'dine-o'. You can also check the recording below.