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Minorities and Philosophy (MAP)


MAP Warwick is your local chapter of an international postgraduate-led network dedicated to addressing structural injustices in academic philosophy and removing barriers that impede participation in academic philosophy for members of marginalized groups.

MAP aims to raise awareness, provide support, and foster the understanding and philosophical assessment of MAP-related themes (equality, diversity, and inclusion) through a variety of events and activities.

MAP representatives work within the department to ensure minority voices and perspectives are heard. To get in touch, email your representatives at or follow us on InstagramLink opens in a new window and on XLink opens in a new window (formerlyTwitter) to stay up to date with our plans.

To find out more about what events are running this academic year (2023/2024), see our eventsLink opens in a new window page listed above!

2023/2024 Term 2 & 3 Focus: Womxn and Gender

Reflecting on the voices and experiences of those within and beyond Warwick's philosophical community, MAP will be focussing on issues relating to gender and womxn in philosophy for the second portion of the academic year.

Despite advocacy efforts and sustained calls for change, womxn continue to be underrepresented within philosophy, both in terms of professional staff and curriculum materials, with womxn of colour and trans-womxn experiencing even greater degrees of marginalisation. In recognition of this, MAP will be addressing gender-based disparities within the Philosophy Department here at Warwick, tackling any issues identified head-on and pursuing lasting change.

2023/2024 Term 1 Focus: Mental Health in Philosophy

Informed by student feedback gained last year, our primary focus for the first part of this academic year is mental health in philosophy.

Mental health is a universal phenomenon, yet those who experience mental illness often face stigma and discrimination, particularly those from minority groups. Aware of the potential negative impacts of poor mental health on participation within Warwick's academic and philosophical community, MAP is seeking ways to facilitate awareness and change within the department to mitigate the difficulties faced by students dealing with mental health issues.

Over the course of the term, MAP will be hosting a variety of events centred on this theme and will prioritise intersectional experiences and concerns in our efforts. We are always open to suggestions and feedback, so please get in touch and share your thoughts with us.

MAP Logo in black and white

MAP Representatives 23/24:

Sabina Pachlopníková (she/they)

Sebastian Leyton Blanco (he/him)

Frido Neumann (he/him)