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Options Fair and Pre-registration

The Philosophy Department’s Options Fair this year will be on Tuesday 14th May 2013 (week 4) at 2pm in Room H0.52. This will be an opportunity for you to hear brief presentations from academic staff on the modules running in 2013/14 and pick up hard copies of the relevant Options Booklet available to download now from the Department’s pre-registration webpages:

All students wishing to take modules in Philosophy must then pre-register their options on the Department’s online Report-tool system by no later than the end of week 4 (Friday 17th May 2013). To pre-register, follow the instructions on the above webpage.

The Philosophy Department needs pre-registration information to ensure it can make accurate plans for the modules to be offered next year.

If you do not pre-register for your options, the Department may decide to not run certain modules (if it appears that there is insufficient interest) or you may not be able to take certain modules because there is not enough space in the room that has been booked for the module.

Wed 01 May 2013, 14:05 | Tags: Home Page Staff Undergraduate

Online conference on truth, hosted by the Aristotelian Society, moderated by Guy Longworth

12 to 18 April 2013

In celebration of the 125th year of the Proceedings, we are proud to announce the start of the first ever Online Conference of the Aristotelian Society: a weeklong event featuring classic papers from our back catalogue, commentaries on these papers delivered by contemporary philosophers, and an online-based discussion forum that is open to everyone. We hope that you’ll enjoy participating in the discussion.

Fri 12 Apr 2013, 13:20 | Tags: Home Page Conference Postgraduate Staff

IAS Early Career Fellowship

Congratulations to Karen Simecek who has been awarded an IAS Early Career Fellowship Award to study the relationship between poetry and the emotions.

Thu 07 Mar 2013, 09:00 | Tags: Home Page External Postgraduate Research Staff Undergraduate

NSS 2013 Survey closes today - Last chance to complete

The National Student Survey 2013 is still open until the 30th April 2013 for you to complete and all philosophy finalist students are strongly encouraged to use this opportunity to provide feedback to the department on their experiences here.

The survey only takes a few minutes to complete and can be found on the following link

If you respond to the survey before it closes, you will be entered into a University prize draw (first prize £200). More details can be found here.

In addition, if the Philosophy Department reaches an overall response rate of 75% or more (i.e., if more than 75% of our finalists fill in the survey), there will be a special Philosophy prize draw to say thank you. All Philosophy finalists will be entered into this prize draw if we reach the 75% response rate.

The department’s response rate has not yet reached 75% so more students do need to complete the survey please to make sure that the department prize draw goes ahead.

Details on what the prizes are and how past National Student Survey results have fed back into life in the Philosophy Department in a number of important and concrete ways can be found at the following link:

The results of the survey are anonymous and will be made available in the summer at to help future applicants decide where to study.

Wed 06 Mar 2013, 18:40 | Tags: Home Page Staff Undergraduate

NIETZSCHE AT WARWICK 2013: The Philosophy of the Free Spirit: Part Two

In March 2013, and with the support of the British Academy, the Philosophy Department will host a further one-day workshop and one-day conference on the topic of Nietzsche's philosophy of the free spirit.

The dates are March 21 (Thursday) and March 22 (Friday). Speakers include: Rebecca Bamford (Quinnipiac), Jessica Berry (Georgia), Paul Bishop (Glasgow), Christine Daigle (Brock, Canada), and Herman Siemens (Leiden, the Netherlands).

Anyone interested in attending the March 2013 events should contact Dr Simon Scott to register. Places for the workshop are limited, and you are advised to register your interest early.

Registration cost is as follows: £10.00 for single day; £15.00 for both days (payment by cheque, payable to ‘University of Warwick’ or by cash). Send to: Dr Simon Scott, Department of Philosophy (Social Studies), University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL.


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