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Photo competition update *WINNERS*

Thank you for all of the entries which we received to our photo competition 2016. We saw some excellent interpretations of the theme, and we look forward to using your photographs to promote our department.

We are very pleased to announce the winners of our competition ‘What Philosophy means to me’ are as follows:

  • 1st place: Jakob Kanz - £200 Amazon voucher
  • 2nd place: George Tuvey - £100 Amazon voucher
  • 3rd place: Charles Cleminson - £50 Amazon voucher

The judges were highly impressed with the creative, innovative and intelligent entries that these students submitted - a big congratulations goes to the above students!

The judges would also like to give special mention to the following students, whose entries were highly commended:

  • Sophie Davies
  • Suida Hasan

A big thank you to all those who have taken part in this year’s competition!

Best wishes

Kat Moore (Senior Marketing Assistant, Philosophy) and Karen Simecek (Director of Student Experience and Progression, Philosophy)

Thu 19 May 2016, 14:54 | Tags: External Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate

Aesthetics articles honoured

Two articles by Eileen John have been highlighted as contributions to aesthetics:

'Literature and Disagreement' as one of the top five articles in aesthetics in 2014, by Aesthetics for Birds and 'Meals, Art, and Artistic Value' as Article of the Year 2015 by the Slovak and Finnish Aesthetics societies.

Post graduate taught experience survey

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey is open from Thursday 28th April until Thursday 16th June 2016. Your participation and feedback is vital to enable the Department and the University of Warwick to help improve teaching, learning, student support and the postgraduate taught student experience for future Philosophy students. It only takes 5-10 minutes to complete and, as a thank you for completing it, the Department will put £5 on your Eating at Warwick card.

More information

Thu 28 Apr 2016, 16:44 | Tags: Postgraduate Staff

new reading group: Kwame Anthony Appiah's "In My Father's House - Africa in the Philosophy of Culture"

Eileen John and Felix Pinkert are convening an informal student and faculty reading group on Kwame Anthony Appiah's book/essay collection "In My Father's House - Africa in the Philosophy of Culture". Undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as members of staff are all welcome to join to discuss this book.

We plan to meet on Wednesdays 11:00-12:00, and the initial dates and chapters are the following:

May 4: Chapter 2: "Illusions of Race"

May 11: Chapter 5: "Ethnophilosophy and Its Critics"

May 18: Chapter 6: "Old Gods, New Worlds"

May 25: Chapter 7: "The Postcolonial and the Postmodern"

Please contact Felix Pinkert ( if you want to attend and be added to the group's email list.

Thu 28 Apr 2016, 13:17 | Tags: Home Page Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate

Sport, Philosophy, and Practice: A Gymnasium

Friday 6th May, 10:00-17:00, Humanities Studio

This interdisciplinary, gymnasium event invites you to participate in spaces and activities designed for intellectual and physical engagement. Experts from the university and local community will be brought together to lead participants in theoretical and practical explorations of ideas surrounding spaces, practices, philosophies, and pedagogies of sport training and exercise.

Provisional Programme

09:30-10:00 – Tea, coffee, and breakfast snack for early arrivals

10:00-10:45 – Introduction to the gymnasium: an exploration of the space and themes

10:45-11:50 – ‘Gymnasia and spaces of training through the ages’ – Zahra Newby (Classics and Anicent History) and Kathryn Woods (History of Medicine)

11:50-12:00 – Break and nutrition

12:00-13:30 – ‘Boys Dancing: A Practical Workshop and Discussion’ – David McKenna (Being Frank)

13:30-14:15 – Lunch (provided)

14:15-16:00 – ‘PE and Pedagogy’ – Phil Gaydon (Philosophy) and Kate Hamer (Centre for Professional Education)

16:00-17:00 – Roundtable and smoothies - facilitated by Jonathan Heron (IATL)

Find out more and register here:

This event will form the basis for next year's Sport, Philosophy, and Practice module open to all undergraduates:

If you have any questions please contact Phil Gaydon: 

Mon 25 Apr 2016, 17:15 | Tags: Staff Workshop

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