News and Events
Newton International Fellowships
The Newton International Fellowship scheme has launched for 2022. The Fellowships enable researchers to work for two years at a UK institution with the aim of fostering long-term international collaborations. The scheme aims to attract early career postdoctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities.
Warwick Philosophy Department are very happy to support applications from suitably qualified candidates, but potential applicants are asked to send a CV to Guy Longworth ( for approval, prior to completing an application. Further support will also be provided ahead of the deadline on 16 March.
More details are available online:
New Publication: Hegel on Being by Professor Stephen Houlgate, Published by Bloomsbury Academic (November 2021)
Hegel on Being is a comprehensive study of the first part of Hegel’s Science of Logic — the “doctrine of being” — by Stephen Houlgate and published by Bloomsbury Academic Publishers (in two volumes). Based on many years of research and teaching, this new book examines the purpose and method of Hegel’s Logic and explains in detail Hegel’s derivation of the categories of quality, quantity and measure. It also contains an original account of Hegel’s critique of Kant (including Kant’s antinomies) and an extensive comparative study of Hegel and Frege.
Professor Fabienne Peter to Deliver the Wittgenstein Annual Lecture Series 2021
Professor Fabienne Peter has been invited to give the prestigious Wittgenstein Lecture Series for 2021 (28 June – 2 July) at the University of Bayreuth. Professor Peter will explore aspects of The Grounds of Political Legitimacy in a series of five lectures. The Wittgenstein Lectures were inaugurated in 1987. Every year, an internationally recognised philosopher is invited to present a week of lectures and colloquia. All lectures are open to the public. Further details here:
New Publication: 'Practical Necessity, Freedom, and History: From Hobbes to Marx' by David James, Oxford University Press (March 2021)
This new book by Dr David James eloquently explores the connections between different types of necessity: practical, conceptual, normative and historical. Additionally, it contrasts relevant features of the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes (1558-1679) with a philosophical tradition that extends from Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) to Karl Marx (1818-1883). In his text, David James demonstrates the need to understand the question of freedom with recourse to the concept of practical necessity.
Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference 2021
We are delighted to announce that the 3rd Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference will take place on 26-27 March 2021, and will be an online event. The theme will be ‘Continental Philosophy and Its Histories’, and it will explore how Continental Philosophy engages with the ‘Thinkers’ that belong to its history: what is it to ‘read’ Plato, Spinoza, Kant, or Nietzsche in Continental Philosophy? How important is the canon, and what is its methodological and philosophical significance? Should we keep putting forward various creative (mis)readings of past philosophers or, as Husserl suggested early on, is it better to get rid of the past and proceed afresh with a new method? Key Speakers include Professor Stella Sandford (Kingston University), Dr Mogens Laerke (CNRS) and Dr Francey Russell (Columbia University).
To this end, the Warwick Continental Philosophy Conference Organising Committee invites papers in Continental or European Philosophy focusing on Continental Philosophy and its Histories, broadly understood. The deadline for Abstract submissions is 22 January 2021. For further details about the conference and guidelines for Abstract Submissions, see here:
This conference is made possible by generous funding provided by the University of Warwick Philosophy Department and British Society for the History of Philosophy. It is an annual event within The Centre for Research in Post-Kantian European Philosophy (University of Warwick).