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Kavka Prize 2020: Patrick Tomlin 'On Limited Aggregation'

Patrick Tomlin has been awarded an 'Honourable Mention' for his essay On Limited Aggregation in this year's prestigious Gregory Kavka/University of California, Irvine Prize in Political Philosophy, announced in December 2019 by the American Philosophical Asociation.

Patrick Tomlin's paper, first published in Philosophy and Public Affairs in 2017, advances some new, and fatal objections against the popular view of Limited Aggregation, and argues that the Limited Aggregation view has less real world relevance than its proponents claim, in particular regarding health care distribution.

The Gregory Kavka/UCI Prize in Political Philosophy is awarded every other year in odd years to the author of a paper in a refereed journal, an original book chapter or an original essay published in a collection with multiple contributors, from any area of political philosophy and political theory.

Wed 15 Jan 2020, 12:21 | Tags: Home Page

New Appointment - Dr Massimiliano Lacertosa

We are delighted to announce that Dr Massimiliano Lacertosa has joined the Philosophy Department as a Teaching Fellow. Massimiliano (Max) joins the Department from SOAS, University of London, and specialises in Chinese philosophy. He also has wide interests that span ethics, continental philosophy, art, history, archaeology, photography, aesthetics and visual design. Max will be teaching modules in Chinese and comparative philosophy, and will develop our teaching programme in these areas.

Thu 09 Jan 2020, 13:03 | Tags: socialsciences Home Page Staff

New Appointment and UKRI Fellowship Success - Dr Richard Moore

We are delighted to announce that Dr Richard Moore will be joining the Warwick Philosophy Department on a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship.

The prestigious UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships are awarded to top researchers in the UK. They provide full funding for a maximum period of seven years. Richard's project will utilise the tools of philosophy, linguistics, and psychology to formulate a new account of the developmental relationship between 'mind reading' and communication. Commenting on this exciting area of research, Richard Moore says: "Mind reading, involving the use of a 'theory of mind' (ToM) is the ability to attribute mental states to others to predict and explain their behaviour. Humans are better at this than other species, but the origins of uniquely human forms of ToM are disputed".

Richard will take up his Fellowship and move to the University of Warwick early in 2020.

Mon 25 Nov 2019, 16:23 | Tags: Home Page, Research

Official Launch of the New Research Centre for Post-Kantian European Philosophy

The launch of the new Research Centre for Post-Kantian European Philosophy took place on Tuesday 15 October 2019, with an inaugural seminar led by Guest Speaker, Simon Critchley (Hans Jonas Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research) on the concept of Tragedy.

In his talk, deriving from his new publication, Tragedy, the Greeks and Us, Professor Critchley explored the nature and experience of Tragedy, both in terms of what it meant to the Greeks, and what it might mean for us today. The seminar concluded with his reply to two responses to the book by Andrew Cooper (Philosophy, Warwick) and David Fearn (Classics, Warwick).

A recording of Simon Critchley in conversation with Keith Ansell-Pearson, Director, and Daniele Lorenzini, Deputy Director of the Centre for Research in Post-Kantian European Philosophy, can be accessed on the Research Centre's new pages here:

Wed 16 Oct 2019, 16:30 | Tags: Home Page, Postgraduate

Forthcoming Talks by Philosophy Department Staff

Guy Longworth will give a talk on 'Unsettling Questions' at the University of Southampton Research Seminar on Tuesday 15 October 2019.

Daniele Lorenzini is speaking on 'Living Philosophically: Cavell, Hadot, Foucault' at the Nova Institute of Philosophy in Lisbon on Thursday 17 October 2019:

Tue 15 Oct 2019, 10:10 | Tags: Home Page

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