Department Research Output: Publications and Conference Papers
This is a list of some recent publications from the department. It's not complete or even representative but it should give you a flavour of what we do. Many staff have made some of their papers available from their homepages.
Darren Ambrose
- ‘30, 000 B.C.: Painting Animality – Deleuze and Prehistoric Painting’ – Paper delivered at the ‘Gilles Deleuze: Experimenting with Intensities – International Conference at Trent University, Canada, May 12-15, 2004.
Keith Ansell-Pearson
- “Verantwortlichkeit: Nietzsche, the Jewish Question, and the European Question”, Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly, 53 (Jan 204), pp. 86-106.
- “Time, Space, and Forced Movement, and the Death-Drive: Reading Proust with Deleuze”, Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy, 15 (2004), pp. 159-99.
- “Demanding Deleuze”, Radical Philosophy, 126 (July/August 2004), pp. 33-9.
- “Bergson’s Encounter with Biology: A Reading of Creative Evolution”, delivered at Bergson in Context, St Hilda’s College Oxford, April 2004.
- “The Curious Time of Memory”, delivered at Time, Memory, and History, 7th International Conference of Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychiatry, University of Heidelberg, September 2004.
- 'Posthuman Evolution and Postmodern Fables', Alice Berline Center for Humanities, Northwestern University, May 2003.
- 'Time, Space, and Forced Movement', International Seminar in Philosophy ∓ Literature on Language and Space and Kafka and Proust, Evora and Lisbon, Portugal, July 2003.
Christine Battersby
- ‘“In the Shadow of his Language”: May Sinclair’s Portrait of the Artist as Daughter’, New Comparison, Nos 33/34, Spring–Autumn 2002. Special Section on The European Künstlerroman, pp. 102–120. (published March 2004).
- ‘Women, Gender and Philosophy Today’, Society of Women in Philosophy Roundtable, LSE, 24/1/04.
- ‘The Mother in the Attic’, Cultures of Birth Conference, Senate House, London, 27/3/04.
- 'Terror, Terrorism and the Sublime: Rethinking the Sublime after 1789 and 2001', Postcolonial Studies 6:1, 2003, pp. 67-89
- 'Re-imagining Feminist Metaphysics', Plenary Speaker, Middlesex Graduate Conference, March 15 2003.
- '"In the Shadow of his Language": May Sinclair's Portrait of the Artist as Daughter', Centre for the Study of Biography and Life Writing, Monash University, Melbourne, 1st March 2002.
Miguel Beistegui
- Thinking with Heidegger - Displacements. Indiana University Press, 2003
- 'The Transformation of the Sense of Dasein in Heidegger's Contributions to Philosophy - On the Event of Appropriation', Research in Phenomenology XXXII, 2003.
- 'Heidegger on Power and Politics', Conference on Heidegger as a Political Thinker, The Institute for European Studies, The University of Birmingham, 13-14 June 2003.
- 'Deleuze, or The Surplus of Immanence', a series of three lectures given at the Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Citta di Castello, Italy, 28 July-1st August 2003.
- 'Le dispositif et le secret: Janicaud aux prises avec Heidegger', a paper presented at an international conference Les journees Dominique Janicaud, The University of Nice, 12-13 September 2003.
Bill Brewer
- ‘Stroud’s Quest for Reality’. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 68, 408-414.
- ‘Self-Knowledge and Externalism’. In J. M. Larrazabal and L. A. Pérez Miranda (eds.), Language, Knowledge and Representation. Holland: Kluwer.
- ‘Reference and Subjectivity’. In J. Greco (ed.), Ernest Sosa and his Critics. Oxford. Blackwell.
- ‘Realism and the Nature of Perceptual Experience’ at an Epistemology workshop in Kolding, Denmark.
- ‘The Intelligibility of Mental Causation’, Mental Causation conference in Aarhus, Denmark.
- ‘Experience and Illusion’, Disjunctivism Workshop in Frankfurt, Germany.
Stephen Butterfill
- ‘Aiming at Truth’. (1) National Institute for Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India. 17 December 2003.
- ‘Lexical Innovation and Convention in Linguistic Communication’. Joint Session, University of Kent, Canterbury. June 2004.
- ‘What’s involved in understanding representations?’ European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Barcelona, Spain. June 2004.
Naomi Eilan
- ‘Joint Attention, communication and mind’ in Joint Attention, Communication and Other Minds, Eds. Eilan, Hoerl, Roessler, and McCormack. OUP.
- ‘Consciousness in philosophy and psychology’—opening talk in ESF core workshop Consciousness in the Natural Order. December 2004, Copenhagen.
- ‘The Reality of the Senses’ in conference on Defining the Senses, Glasgow, December 2004.
- 'The explanatory role of consciousness', in Interdisciplinary Aspects of Voluntary Action, eds. W. Prinz ∓ S Maasen, OUP, 2003.
- 'Agency and self-awareness: mechanisms and epistemology' (with J Roessler), in Agency and Self Awareness: Problems in Philosophy and Psychology, eds. N Eilan ∓ J Roessler, OUP 2003.
- 'Meaning, Truth, and the Self', Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 8, 2001, pp. 121-132.
- 'The Reality of Consciousness', in D. Charles ∓ W. Child, eds.: Wittgensteinian Themes: Essays in Honour of David Pears, Oxford University Press, 2002.
Christoph Hoerl
- 'Perception of Actions and the Understanding of Agency: Reply to Jean Decety', in: Simulation and Knowledge of Action, ed. J. Dokic and J. Proust, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002, pp. 73-85.
- Introductory Presentation at ESF Exploratory Workshop Emotion, Consciousness and Self Consciousness, St John's College, Cambridge, 21-23 March 2003.
- 'The Role of Joint Reminiscing in the Development of Episodic Memory', Annual Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Turin, Italy, 9-12 July 2003.
- 'Introduction: Understanding, Explaining and Intersubjectivity in Schizophrenia', Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology 8:2/3 (Special Issue 'On Understanding and Explaining Schizophrenia', ed. C. Hoerl), 2001, pp. 83-88.
- 'On Thought Insertion', Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 8:2/3, 2001, pp. 189-200.
Stephen Houlgate
- “Religion, Morality and Forgiveness in Hegel’s Philosophy”, in Philosophy and Religion in German Idealism, eds. W. Desmond, E.-0. Onnasch and P. Cruysberghs (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004), pp. 81-110.
- “Why Hegel’s Concept is not the Essence of Things” at conference on Hegel’s Logic of the Subject, Cardozo Law School, New York, March 2004.
- “Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature” at conference on Continental Philosophy at UCL, May 2004.
- “Hegel and Brandom on Norms and Logical Categories” at conference on Contemporary Hegelianism and Naturalism, University of Hertfordshire, September 2004.
- 'G.W.F. Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit', in: The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy, ed. R. Solomon (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003), pp. 8-29.
- 'G.W.F. Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit (1807): Thinking Philosophically Without Begging the Question', in The Classics of Western Philosophy, ed. J. Gracia (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003), pp. 364-82.
- 'Logic and Nature in Hegel's Philosophy: A Reply to John Burbidge', The Owl of Minerva 34:1, Fall/Winter 2002-03, pp. 107-25.
- 'Glauben und Wissen: Hegels immanente Kritik der Kantischen Philosophie oder die (illegitime) "Ahnung eines Besseren"', Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft in Jena, August 2002.
- 'Hegel, Rawls and the Rational State', in Beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism: Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of Right, ed. Robert Williams, Albany: SUNY Press, 2001, pp. 249-73.
- "G.W.F. Hegel", in The Blackwell Guide to the Modern Philosophers from Descartes to Nietzsche, ed. S.M. Emmanuel, Oxford: Blackwell, 2001, pp. 278-305.
- Review of Hegel's Idea of Freedom (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999) by Allen Patten, in Philosophical Books 42, 2001, pp. 297-300.
- Interview in The Leuven Philosophy Newsletter 10 (2001-02): pp. 12-18.
Eileen John
- Philosophy of Literature: Contemporary and Classic Readings, co-edited with Dominic Lopes (Blackwell, 2004).
- "Literary Fiction and the Philosophical Value of Detail," in Imagination, Philosophy, and the Arts, eds. Matthew Kieran and Dominic Lopes (Routledge, 2003), 142-59.
- "Images of Community in American Popular Culture," co-authored with Nancy Potter, in Diversity and Community, ed. Philip Alperson (Blackwell, 2002), 265-88.
- "Art and Knowledge," in The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, eds. Berys Gaut and Dominic Lopes (Routledge, 2001), 329-40.
- "Reading Fiction and Conceptual Knowledge: Philosophical Thought in Literary Context," Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56, 1998, 331-48.
- "Henry James: Making Moral Life Interesting," Henry James Review 18, 1997, 234-42.
- "Subtlety and Moral Vision in Fiction,"Philosophy and Literature 19, 1995, 308-19.
Hemdat Lerman
- "The unspecificity of the way things are presented to us in experience", European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Lund, Sweden, 11-14 August 2005. [abstract]
Michael Luntley
- 'Growing awareness' Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 No. 1, 2004, pp. 1-20
- 'The Character of Learning', for lecture series on Politics, Democracy and Education, Cambridge Faculty of Education, 16th February 2004
- 'The World Delivered', plenary speaker, Space of Reasons Workshop, University of Cape Town, 4-7 July 2004.
- 'What teachers know', (with J. Ainley) British Educational Research Association, annual conference, Manchester, 16-18 September 2004.
- 'Patterns, particularism and seeing the similarity', Philosophical Papers 31:3, 2002, 251-71
- 'What's so good about placement learning?', editorial, Postgraduate Medical Journal 78, 2002, pp. 637-8.
- 'Knowing how to manage: expertise and embedded knowledge' Reason in Practice 2:3, 2002, pp. 3-14
- 'Attention, time and purpose', Philosophical Explorations VI:1, 2003, pp. 2-17.
- 'The world in view', Richmond Journal of Philosophy 1:3, 2003, pp. 11-6.
- 'Nonconceptual content and the sound of music', Mind ∓ Language 18:4, 2003, pp. 402-26
- Wittgenstein: meaning and judgement, Oxford and New York: Blackwell, September 2003.
- 'Keeping in touch: character and autobiography', Conference on Dementia: Mind, Meaning and Person, Newcastle 31Oct/1 November 2002, organised by Philosophy special interest group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
- 'Ethics in the face of Uncertainty: judgement not rules', The Challenge of Business Ethics: a joint Conference 7th European Business Ethics Network-UK Annual Conference and 5th Ethics and Human Resource Management Conference, Selwyn College, Cambridge 7-8 April 2003.
- 'Growing Awareness' Keynote address Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain annual conference, 11-13 April 2003, New College, Oxford.
- 'Agency and our tacit sense of things', in L Hahn (ed.): Library of Living Philosophers, volume for Marjorie Grene, La Salle: Open Court, 2002.
- 'The concept of expertise', Conference: Who are the experts? Where is the expertise? organised by Drug ∓ Therapeutics Bulletin and Consumers' Association, London 14 March 2002.
- 'Knowing how to manage: expertise and embedded knowledge', for Developing Philosophy of Management organised by Reason in Practice ∓ European Forum for Philosophy, St Anne's College, Oxford 27/28 June 2002.
David Miller
- 'Sir Karl Popper'. The New Catholic Encyclopedia, volume XI, 2nd edition, 2003, pp. 507f.. Detroit ∓ elsewhere: Thomson Gale.
- 'Karl Popper. A Scientific Memoir'. Anthony O'Hear, editor, Karl Popper. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers. Volume I: Biography, Background, ∓ Early Reactions to Popper's Work, 2004, pp. 21-72. London ∓ New York: Routledge.
- 'Induction: A Problem Solved'. Anthony O'Hear, editor, Karl Popper. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers. Volume I: Philosophy of Science 1, 2004, pp. 15-38. London ∓ New York: Routledge.
- 'Popper's Qualitative Theory of Verisimilitude'. Anthony O'Hear, editor, Karl Popper. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers. Volume III: Philosophy of Science 2, 2004, pp. 10-23. London ∓ New York: Routledge.
- 'Propensities and Indeterminism'. Anthony O'Hear, editor, Karl Popper. Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers. Volume III: Philosophy of Science 2, 2004, pp. 170-193. London ∓ New York: Routledge.
- 'The Uniformity of Nature: What Purpose Does It Serve? Comments on Karl Milford's "Inductivism in 19th Century German Economics"'. Friedrich Stadler, editor, Induction and Deduction in the Sciences, 2004, pp. 293-297. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- 'Falsifiability — More than a Convention?'. CONGRESO FILOSÓFICO INTERNACIONAL KARL POPPER: VIGENCIA Y TRANSFORMACIÓN DE SU PENSAMIENTO. Universidad Nacional de Rosario [published on CD].
- 'How Does Probability Theory Generalize Logic?'. SEXTAS JORNADAS ROLANDO CHUAQUI. Universidad de Chile.
- 'Posleslovie k russkomu izdaniyu Ob'ectivnogo Znaniya', pp. 348-352 of Karl R. Popper: Ob'etivnoe Znanie. Evolutsionny podkhod. Russian translation of Karl R. Popper: Objective Knowledge, by Delir G. Lakhuti, edited by Vadim N. Sadovsky. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2002.
- 'Euskarazko Ediziorako Hitzaurrea', pp. 7-25 of Karl R. Popper: Ezagutza objektiboa. Ikusmolde ebolutibo bat. Euskara [Basque] translation of Karl R. Popper: Objective Knowledge, by Alberto Gabikagojeaskoa, edited by Andoni Ibarra. Donostia/San Sebastian: Klasikoak, 2002.
- 'Three Stages of Critical Rationalism', Conferinca Centenara Internationala Karl Popper, University of Bucharest, October 2002.
- 'The Objectives of Science. Reflections on Karl Popper's Theory of Method', Centennial Symposium for Karl Popper, Forum for Contemporary Thought, University of Virginia, November 2002.
- 'Truth ∓ Rationality', Karl Popper: Philosophe de Vingtieme Siecle, Universite de Paris IV (Sorbonne), December 2002.
- 'Making Falsification Bite', Popper ∓ Beyond: Perspectives from India and the World, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, December 2002.
- 'A Refined Geometry of Logic', International Conference on Algebraic ∓ Topological Methods in Non-Classical Logics, Tbilisi (Georgia), July 2003.
- 'Infinite Truth', III World Congress on Paraconsistency [WCP3], Toulouse (France), July 2003.
- 'The Fate of the Liar in a Quasi-classical Theory of Truth', 12th International Congress of Logic, Methodology ∓ Philosophy of Science, Oviedo, August 2003.
- 'Propensities May Satisfy Bayes's Theorem', In Richard Swinburne, editor, Bayes's Theorem [Proceedings of the British Academy 113], pp. 111-116. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 'Critical Rationalism' [abbreviated version], In Günter Schmid, editor, Festschrift zur Verabschiedung des ersten Matura-Jahrgangs der Sir-Karl-Popper-Schule, Jahrbuch 2001/2002, pp. 52-61. Vienna: Sir-Karl-Popper-Schule.
- 'Induction: a Problem Solved', In Jan M. Böhm, Heiko Holweg, ∓ Claudia Hoock, editors, Karl Poppers kritischer Rationalismus heute, pp. 81-106. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
- 'Reasoning: Control, not Command', Induction: Fact or Fantasy? King's College, London, January 2002.
- 'Darwinism is the Application of Situational Logic to the State of Ignorance', Karl Popper 2002. University of Vienna, July 2002.
- 'Infinite Truth', Karl Popper 2002, University of Vienna, July 2002. British Logic Colloquium Annual Meeting, University of Birmingham, September 2002.
- Comments on Karl Milford, 'Inductivism ∓ the Theoretical Social Sciences', Induction ∓ Deduction in the Sciences, European Science Foundation, University of Vienna, and Institute Vienna Circle, July 2002.
Fabienne Peter
- ‘Choice, Consent, and the Legitimacy of Market Transactions’, Economics and Philosophy 20(1) 2004: 1 – 18.
- “Legitimierung des Wissens: zur Rolle des impliziten Wissens [Legitimating Knowledge: The Role of Tacit Knowledge].“ In Held, Martin, Gisela Kubon-Gilke und Richard Sturn (eds.) Ökonomik des Wissens. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, 2004, pp. 151 – 172.
- “Gender and the Foundations of Social Choice: The Role of Situated Agency.” Feminist Economics 9(2) 2003: pp. 13 – 32.
- “Critical Realism, Feminist Epistemology, and the Emancipatory Potential of Science: A Comment on Lawson and Harding.” Feminist Economics 9(1) 2003: 93 - 101.
- “Foregrounding Practices: Feminist Philosophy of Economics Beyond Rhetoric and Realism,” in Barker, Drucilla and Edith Kuiper (eds.) Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics. London and New York: Routledge, 2003, pp. 105 – 121.
- “Science Bought and Sold: Essays in the Economics of Science edited by Philip Mirowski and Esther-Mirjam Sent: Book Review.” History of Economic Ideas 11(1) 2003: 169 – 172.
- “Political Equality of What? Deliberative Democracy, Legitimacy, and Equality.” American Political Science Association, annual meeting, Chicago, September 2004.
- “Implicit Knowledge and the Science/Society Boundary: The Socio-economics of Knowledge Production.” STS Spring School and Conference Sites of Knowledge Production, Basel, March 2004.
- “Legitimacy in Aggregative and Deliberative Democracy.” European Conference on the History of Economics, University of Reims, March 2004.
Peter Poellner
- 'Self-Deception, Consciousness and Value', Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (2004), no. 10-11, pp. 44-65.
- 'David Cooper's The Measure of Things' Mind 113 (2004), pp 164-168.
- 'Nonconceptual Content, Perception and Value', in Experience and Analysis, Proceedings of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium (Kirchberg, 2004), pp. 278-80.
- 'Two Faces of Tradition', delivered at the Time and History conference, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 4-6 May 2004.
- 'Nonconceptual Content, Experience and the Self', Journal of Consciousness Studies 10, 2003, pp. 32-57.
- 'Perspectival Truth', in Brian Leiter and John Richardson (eds): Nietzsche, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001, pp. 87-118.
- 'Existential Moments', in H. Friese (ed.), The Moment: Time and Rupture in Modern Thought (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2001), pp. 53-72.
- 'Nietzsche on the True and the Good', presented at the one-day conference Nietzsche on Truth, organized by the Philosophy Programme, School of Advanced Study, Senate House, University of London, 19th October 2001.
Johannes Roessler
- 'Intentional Action and Self-Awareness', in J. Roessler ∓ N. Eilan (eds.), Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2003, pp. 383-405
- 'Agency and Self-awareness: Mechanisms and Epistemology' (with N. Eilan), in J. Roessler ∓ N. Eilan (eds.), Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 1-47 [percentage of my contribution: 50 %]
- Invited talk, as part of an interdisciplinary symposiumon Joint Attention at the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Torino, July 2003
- Introductory talk at an interdisciplinary workshop on Causal Understanding, Cambridge, April 2004-10-07
- Invited talk at an ESF exploratory workshop on Understanding agents and minds, Budapest, July 2004
- 'Intentional action and self-awareness' in J.Roessler ∓ N.Eilan (eds.), Agency and Self- Awareness, OUP 2003
- 'Agency and Self-Awareness: Mechanisms and Epistemology' (with N. Eilan) in J.Roessler ∓ N.Eilan (eds.), Agency and Self-Awareness, OUP 2003
- Convenor of, and speaker at, a symposium on Joint Attention at the Annual meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, held in July 2003 in Torino.
- 'Understanding Delusions of Alien Control', Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 8, 2001, pp. 177-187.
- 'Action, Emotion, and the Development of Self-awareness', European Review of Philosophy 5, 2002, pp. 33-52.
- 'Reply to Jacqueline Nadel', in: Jérôme Dokic and Joëlle Proust (eds.): Simulation and Knowledge of Action, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002, pp. 137-149.
Matthew Soteriou
- "The Particularlity of Visual Perception" (2005). European Journal of Philosophy 8(2), pp. 173-189.
- "Mental Action and the Epistemology of Mind" (2005). Nous 39 (1), pp. 83-105.
- "The Subjective View of Experience and its Objective Commitments" (2005). Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 105.
Roger Trigg
- Morality Matters, 2004, Blackwell, Oxford
- ‘Playing God- the Ethics of risk ’, pp 195-209, Studies in Science and Theology, Lunds Universiteit, 2004
- ‘Gottes Platz in der Wissenschaft’ in Anfang war ein Gott, Patmos Dusseldorf, pp210-226, 2004
- ‘Alexander Robertson Lecture in the Philosophy of Religion’, Glasgow University, November 2003
- Ideas of Human Nature, Persian edition, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, 2003.
- Respondent at session Religious Epistemology, American Academy of Religion, Toronto, November 2002.
- 'Science and religion', Templeton Lecture, May 2003, University of Cambridge.
- Philosophy Matters, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002
- 'Does Science Deal with the Real World?', Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 27, 2, 2002, pp. 94-9
- Racionalidade E Religiao, (Portuguese translation of Rationality and Religion), Instituto Piaget, Lisbon, 2002
- 'Playing God - The Ethics of Risk', European Society for Science and Theology, University of Nijmegen, March 2002