8th March 2017 Offer Holder Open Day
Thanks for booking to visit us on our Offer Holder Open Day on 8th March 2017, we look forward to meeting you and hope that you will enjoy your visit as well as finding it useful and informative.
The full itinerary for you day is below, and we advise that you check this a week or so before you join us, in case there are any updates to the information since you booked. We have lots of sessions to make sure you get the most out of your day, and our friendly staff and ambassadors will be on hand during the day to answer any questions you may have - as well as help you with directions!
If you have any questions you need answering before the day or special requirements that you haven't included on your booking form, then do just let us know by emailing: philundergrad at warwick dot ac dot uk
Programme of events
Our aim is to give you a clear idea of how we teach philosophy, the facilities on offer, most importantly, what our teaching staff and students are like to work with.
Your Offer Holder Open Day will commence in room OC 0.002 of the Oculus, Warwick’s new state of the art teaching facility, at 12:05. You will be greeted by Students Ambassadors studying on a range of Philosophy degrees
12:05 – 12:20: Welcome talk with Dr. John Tillson which will include an overview of the course (OC 0.002, Oculus Building)
12:20 – 12:50: Taster lecture 1 - delivered by Professor Christoph Hoerl on 'The Nature of Time' (Metaphysics) (OC 0.002, Oculus Building)
12:50 – 13:00: A brief presentation from a current Warwick Philosophy student on some of their current/recent work (OC 0.002, Oculus Building)
13:10 – 13:50: Students Ambassadors will walk offer holders and guests over to the department to have lunch with members of the teaching faculty, giving a chance for all to talk about life at Warwick, specific details of the range of courses provided, and all things philosophical, Philosophy Department.
14:00 – 14:30: Taster lecture 2 - delivered by Professor Stephen Houlgate on '"Spinoza: Are we are at the mercy of our emotions?” (Modern Philosophy) (OC 0.002, Oculus Building)
14:30 – 14:40: A second brief presentation from a current Warwick Philosophy student on some of their current/recent work (OC 0.002, Oculus Building)
14:40 - 15:10: Offer-Holders: Offer holders will then have the opportunity to explore the topic more deeply with current undergraduates in breakaway discussion groups. In these groups they will also have the chance to ask the group facilitators about studying at Warwick (OC 0.002, Oculus Building)
14:40 - 15:10: Parents and Guardians: Those accompanying applicants will have the chance to chat with staff during this time.
15:10 – 15:35: The Offer Holder Open Day will conclude with a farewell talk by Dr. John Tillson and a chance to ask any further questions about the course (OC 0.002, Oculus Building)
15:10 - 15:35: **NEW** - For Philosophy and Literature offer holders, there will be a closing session with Dr. Eileen John. (Humanities building, 501)
Getting Here
Parking on campus is limited to Blue Badge holders only. A Park & Ride service from the nearby Stoneleigh Park will be in operation, and campus is also well served by public transport. You can find more information about travelling to campus, overnight accommodation, places to eat and drink and accessibility on our website.
Dr John Tillson, Admissions Tutor and Outreach Officer