The publications listed here can be grouped through the lens of the research projects I have listed on my main web-page. Most of these publications have been uploaded on WRAP, the University of Warwick's full-text, open access research archive. Some are also available on The versions available on WRAP and are the refereed and accepted (pre-copyedited) versions of journal articles. My research has been cited across many disciplines. Google Scholar appears to have the most accurate citational record.
- 2013. Religious Freedom in India: Sovereignty and (Anti) Conversion. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-6655
Edited Journal Volumes
- 2020. 'Kashmir and Palestine: Archives of Coloniality and Solidarity'Link opens in a new window, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 27 (3) (co-edited with Ather Zia).1070-289X; ISSN: 1547-3384.
- 2014. States of Violence, borderlands e-journal 13 (1) ISSN: 1447-0810 (co-edited with Vijay Devadas) -- special issue on Professor Joseph Pugliese's State Violence and the Execution of Law: biopolitical caesurae of torture, black sites, drones(2013)
- 2012. India/Cinema: An Archive of Politics and Pleasures, Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 26 (6) (co-edited with Devleena Ghosh) ISSN: 1030-4312
- 2009. Acting Sovereign: Interventions in a Politics of Gendered Protectionism, borderlands e-journal 8 (1) (co-edited with Tanja Dreher and Elaine Laforteza) ISSN: 1447-0810
- 2006. Regimes of Terror, borderlands e-journal, (5)1 ISSN: 1447-0810
Journal Articles
- 2024. with Haris Zargar. 'The Distinct Dispossessions of Indian Settler Colonialism in Kashmir: Land, Narrative and IndigeneityLink opens in a new window', Development and Change. DOI:
- 2023. with Samina Raja, Athar Parvaiz, Lanika Sanders, Alex Judelsohn, Shireen Guru, Mona Bhan, Mehroosh Tak, Yeeli Mui & Emmanual Frimpong Boamah (listed as 7th author). 'Planning and Food Sovereignty in Conflict Cities: Insights From Urban Growers in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.' Link opens in a new windowJournal of American Planning Association 82 (9): pp. 183 – 195.
- 2020. with Ather Zia. 'Kashmir and Palestine: archives of coloniality and solidarity',Link opens in a new window Identities: Global Studies in Culture & Power, 27 (3): 249-266. DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2020.1750200
- 2020. Kashmir and Palestine: itineraries of (anti) colonial solidarity', Identities: Global Studies in Culture & Power. 27 (3): 339 - 356. DOI: 10.1080/1070289X.2019.1675334
- 2019. '#Kashmir 2016: Notes toward a media ecology of an occupied zone'Link opens in a new window, South Asia Popular Culture. 17 (2): 111 - 131.
DOI: 10.1080/14746689.2019.1612554
- 2018. 'Sovereignty, vulnerability, and a gendered resistance in Indian-occupied Kashmir', Third World Thematics 3 (2): 228 -243.
- 2017. 'Imperialism, colonialism and sovereignty in the (post) colony: India and Kashmir', Third World Quarterly 38 (11): 2428 - 2443. ISSN 0143 - 6597.
- 2015. 'Sovereignty, Postcoloniality, and Gendering Human Rights: Rape and Occupation'Link opens in a new window, borderlands ejournal 14(1). ISSN: 1447-08102013.
- 2013. 'The Concern for Sovereignty in the Politics of Anti-Conversion', Religion Compass 7 (9): 385-393. ISSN: 1749-8171.
- 2012. ‘Bollywood Memories of Brand Australia: an Archive of the Neoliberal Present’, Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 26 (6): 883-895. ISSN: 1030-4312
- 2012. ‘Post-Secular Discomforts: Religio-Secular Disclosures in the Indian context’, Cultural Studies Review 18 (2): 32-51. ISSN: 1837-8692
- 2012. ‘Secular Interventions/Hinduized Sovereignty: Anti-Conversion and Religious Pluralism in Jodhaa Akbar’, Cultural Critique 81: 70-99. ISSN: 0882-4371
- 2011. ‘Transnational Bio/Necropolitics: Hindutva and its Avatars (Australia/India)’, Somatechnics 1 (1): 138-160. ISSN: 2044-0138 (Inaugural Issue)
- 2009. ‘Necropolitical Complicities: (Re)constructing a Normative Somatechnics of Iraq’, Social Semiotics 19 (1): 31-45. ISSN: 1035-0330
- 2009. (Im)possible Co-existence: notes from a bordered, sovereign presentLink opens in a new window, borderlands ejournal 8 (1) ISSN: 1447-0810
- 2008. ‘Ash-Coloured Whiteness: The Transfiguration of Aishwarya Rai’, South Asian Popular Culture 6 (2): 109-123. ISSN: 1474-6689
- 2008. ‘White Free Speech: The Fraser Event and its Enlightenment Legacies’, Cultural Studies Review 14 (2): 170-183. ISSN: 1446-8123
- 2008. ‘War in the Language of Peace’, ACRAWSA E-Journal 4 (1) ISSN: 1838-8310
- 2006. ‘Media Necropower: Australian Media Reception and the Somatechnics of Mamdouh Habib’, borderlands ejournal, 5 (1) ISSN: 1447-0810
- 2006. ‘Imploding Singularities: For a Critique of Autoimmunity as Political Future’, Social Semiotics, 16 (2): 499-510. ISSN: 1035-0330
- 2004. ‘Ordinary Australian Orientalisms: Racialised and Gendered Approaches to the Turtle Beach texts in Australia’s Ambivalence Towards Asia’, borderlands e-journal 3 (3) ISSN: 1447-0810
- with Banerjee, SB, 2004. ‘White Diasporas: Media Representations of September 11 and the Unbearable Whiteness of Being in Australia’, Social Semiotics 14 (2): 151-171. ISSN: 1035-0330
- 2003. ‘Paralogical Moments: Herstories of Colonialism and Conversion, Diaspora and Migrancy.’ Outskirts: feminisms along the edge 11. ISSN: 1445-0445
- 2001. ‘Reading Hartleyism: Postcolonial Time-lags and Postmodern Equivocations’, Southern Review: Communications, Politics, Culture 34 (1): 108-120. ISSN: 0038-4526
- with Banerjee, SB 2000. ‘Silences of the Media: Whiting Out Aboriginality in Making News and Making History’, Media, Culture & Society 22 (3): 263-284. ISSN: 0163-4437
Book Chapters
- 2023. with Haley Duschinksi and Mona Bhan. ‘Critical Interventions: Human Rights and International Justice in Kashmir.’ In The Palgrave Handbook of New Directions in Kashmir StudiesLink opens in a new window. Eds. Haley Duschinski, Mona Bhan, and Cabeiri Robinson. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 173 – 191.
- 2022. ‘The Forms and Practices of Indian Settler/Colonial Sovereignty in Kashmir.’ In The Routledge Handbook of Critical Kashmir StudiesLink opens in a new window. Eds. Mona Bhan, Haley Duschinksi and Deepti Misri. Routledge: New York. pp. 341 – 354.
- 2010. ‘Once More to a Slightly Different Breach: Race, Neoliberal Governmentality and Violence Against International Students’, in Suvendrini Perera, Graham Seal and Sue Summer (eds.) Enter at own Risk? Australia’s Population Questions for the 21st Century, Perth: Black Swan Press. pp. 91-116. ISBN: 9780980631357
- 2010. ‘Transmediterranean Dispersals: Mazzini, Hindu Nationalism and Sonia Gandhi’ , in Joseph Pugliese (ed) Transmediterranean: Diasporas, Histories, Geopolitical Spaces, Brussels: Peter Lang. pp. 173-187. ISBN: 9789052016191
- 2008. ‘beauty and the bollywood star: stories of skin colour and transnational circulations of whiteness’, in Nicole Anderson & Katrina Schlunke (eds.) Cultural Theory in Everyday Practice, Melbourne, Vic.: Oxford University Press. pp.196-205. ISBN: 9780195562453
- 2008. ‘Genuine Secularism: Ashis Nandy and The Australian Values Debate’, in JV D’Cruz et. al. (eds.) As Others See Us: Postcolonial Perspectives on Australian Culture--The Values Debate, Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing. pp. 43-54. ISBN 9781740971768
- with Banerjee, SB 2005. ‘Making Global Subjects: Diasporic Identity as a Media Event’, in Alisoun Pullen & Stephen Linstead (eds.) Organization & Identity, Routledge: London. pp. 244-265. ISBN: 0415322316
- with Banerjee, SB 2003. ‘Organizing multiple spacetimes in a colonial context: Indigeneity and White Australian nationalism at the Melbourne Museum’, in Stephen Linstead (ed) Text/Work: Representing Organization and Organizing Representation, Routledge: London. pp. 138-160. ISBN: 9780415304733
- 1998. ‘Genealogies of the Body Politic: History and Resistance in the Cinema of Sembene’, in Pal Ahluwalia & Paul Nursey-Bray (eds.) Post Colonialism: Culture and Identity in Africa, Nova Science: New York. pp. 91-110. ISBN: 9781560724537
Book Reviews
- 2012. ‘Travelling with Bollywood’, borderlands ejournal 11 (1)
- 2008. ‘The Indian Family in Transition: Reading Literary and Cultural Texts’, The Australian Journal of Anthropology 19 (3): 354-355.
- 2007. ‘How to Stop Worrying about the Neoliberal Present and Start Engaging With it’, Australian Feminist Studies 22 (52): 145-147.
- 2005. ‘Review of Stitches on Time’, Anthropological Forum 15 (2): 211-212.
- 2004. Narratives from the Women’s Studies Family: Recreating Knowledge’, Australian Feminist Studies 19 (44): 246-247.
- 2001. ‘Review of Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World’, Chain Reaction 84: 41.
- 2000. ‘Diasporic Maladies: A Review of Jhumpa Lahiri's The Interpreter of Maladies’, CRNLE Reviews Journal, December.