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Richard Lampard

Richard Lampard 


Room: D0.11 (Social Studies)

Telephone: +44(0)24 765 23130

Advice and Feedback Hours:

Term 1 2024-25: T.b.a.


Identity and Repartnering after Separation

Identity and Repartnering after Separation


Richard Lampard studied at Durham, Southampton, and Nuffield College, Oxford. He has a background in mathematics, social statistics and demography, although his research utilises both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Richard’s research focuses on two areas: couple relationships/marriage and divorce/the ‘family’, and class/occupation-related differences and inequalities.

His publications include Practical Social Investigation: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Social Research (2002; with Chris Pole), Identity and Repartnering after Separation (2007; with Kay Peggs), and various journal articles and book chapters relating to the formerly married, repartnering, couples’ places of meeting, explanations of marital dissolution, parents’ characteristics and their children’s educational and occupational attainment, social mobility, political/class homogamy (i.e. similarities between spouses), and the measurement of occupational segregation. His particular methodological interests include analysing cross-tabulated data and life/work histories; the former interest led to the development of a measure of association/inequality in a cross-tabulation (Tog).


Richard usually teaches a 2nd year module, Relationship and Family Change: Demographic and Sociological Perspectives (SO247), at undergraduate level and convenes and teaches Quantitative Methods in Social Research (SO916), an MA module, at postgraduate level.

Undergraduate module handbooks and overheads from talks for Options Choice process.

Selected Publications

  • Lampard, R. (2020) 'Meeting online or offline? Patterns and trends for co-resident couples in early 21st Century Britain', Sociological Research Online 25 (4), 589 - 608.
  • Lampard, R. (2016) ‘Living together in a sexually exclusive relationship: an enduring, pervasive ideal?’ Families, Relationships and Societies 5 (1), 23 - 41.
  • Lampard, R. (2014) 'Stated Reasons for Relationship Dissolution in Britain: Marriage and Cohabitation Compared' European Sociological Review 30 (3), 315 - 328.
  • Lampard, R. (2013) 'Age at marriage and the risk of divorce in England and Wales' Demographic Research 29 (7), 167 - 202.
  • Lampard, R. (2012) 'Parental characteristics, family structure and occupational attainment in Britain' Sociology 46 (6), 1020 - 1038.
  • Cohen, R.L., Hughes, C. and Lampard, R. (2011) 'The methodological impact of feminism: A troubling issue for Sociology?' Sociology 45 (4), 570 - 586.