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Rachel Lewis

Teaching Fellow


Office: E0.10

Advice and feedback hours:

Mondays 10-11; Tuesdays 11-12


I am a Teaching Fellow in the Sociology Department. My PhD was supervised in Applied Linguistics and Sociology here at Warwick University, and my research focuses broadly on bordering practices, affect, in/exclusion, and creative practice. I am particularly interested in the discursive realisations of policy in everyday practice, and in the affective dimensions of this enactment.


My current research focuses on the potentials afforded by arts and creative methods as a medium for effecting change in police practice. My particular interest is in productions and transformations from the 'bottom-up' - the ways in which, within creative spaces, policed communities might articulate policing as an endeavour, and might reimagine the very role and function of the police as an institution.


Lewis, R. and Hodgson, J. (forthcoming). 'Arts and Policing: imagining new approaches to police-community relationships?' In. Asquith, N. L., Rodgers, J., Clover, J., Cordner, G., Dwyer, A. & Ahmed, R. (Eds). Routledge International Handbook of Critical Policing. London and New York: Routledge.

Hodgson, J. and Lewis, R. 'Policing, culture and community: West Midlands Police as City of Culture partners' (University of Warwick 2023)

Lewis, R. 'Anxious vigilance and the production of (il)legitimacy in the UK citizenship regime: “it’s how you sift them out, y’know?”' (2022) Conflict and Society vol 8(1)

Carvalho, H., Chamberlen, A., and Lewis, R. 'Punitiveness beyond criminal justice : punishable and punitive subjects in an era of prevention, anti-migration and austerity' (2020) The British Journal of Criminology vol 60(2)