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Journal Articles (Selection) 

(2024) Cross-border CO2 transport decreases public acceptance of carbon capture and storageLink opens in a new window (with Sven Anders and Jürgen Meyerhoff). Nature Climate Change, online first.

(2024) Has the war in Ukraine changed Europeans' preferences on refugee policy? Evidence from a panel experiment in Germany, Hungary and PolandLink opens in a new window (with Natalia Letki, Dawid Walentek and Peter Thisted Dinesen). Journal of European Public Policy, online first.

(2024) Using natural experiments to uncover effects of anti-refugee riots on attitudes of refugeesLink opens in a new window (with Nicole Schwitter). Sociology 58(1): 253-262.

(2024) Not the mode of allocation but refugees' right to work drives European citizens' preferences on refugee policyLink opens in a new window (with Natalia Letki, Dawid Walentek and Peter Thisted Dinesen). West European Politics 47(4): 867-892.

(2023) A dual-process perspective on the relationship between implicit attitudes and discriminatory behaviourLink opens in a new window (with Andreas Tutić and Sascha Grehl). European Sociological Review, online first.

(2023) Maximizing Utility or Avoiding Losses? Uncovering Decision Rule-Heterogeneity in Sociological Research with an Application to Neighbourhood ChoiceLink opens in a new window (with Sander van Cranenburgh and Caspar Chorus). Sociological Methods & Research, online first.

(2023) Not Cologne but the data collection (might have) changed everything: a cautionary tale on ignoring changes in data recording in sociological researchLink opens in a new window (with Nicole Schwitter). European Sociological Review 39(6): 1005–1010.

(2023) Environmental inequality in four European cities: A study combining household survey and geo-referenced dataLink opens in a new window (with Andreas Diekmann, Heidi Bruderer Enzler, Joerg Hartmann, Karin Kurz, and Peter Preisendörfer). European Sociological Review 39: 44–66.

(2023) German citizens' preference for domestic carbon dioxide removal by afforestation is incompatible with national removal potentialLink opens in a new window (with Christine Merk, Jürgen Meyerhoff, and Katrin Rehdanz). Communications Earth & Environment 4: 100.

(2022) Individuals of high socioeconomic status are altruistic in sharing money but egoistic in sharing timeLink opens in a new window (with Nicole Schwitter and Andreas Tutić). Scientific Reports 12: 10831.

(2022) Does living in districts with higher levels of ethnic violence affect refugees attitudes towards the host country? Empirical evidence from GermanyLink opens in a new window (with Nicole Schwitter). Ethnic and Racial Studies 45:15, 2793-2821.

(2022) Big data and development sociology: An overview and application on governance and accountability through digitalization in TanzaniaLink opens in a new window (with Nicole Schwitter, Alexia Pretari, William Marwa, Simone Lombardini). Frontiers in Sociology 7: 909458.

(2022) Survey data must be top-notch to tackle societal crisesLink opens in a new window. Nature 606: 463 (Correspondence).

(2022) Annoyance due to residential road traffic and aircraft noise: Empirical evidence from two European citiesLink opens in a new window (with Peter Preisendörfer, Heidi Bruderer Enzler and Andreas Diekmann). Environmental Research 206: 112269.

(2022) The effect of social and personal norms on stated preferences for multiple soil functions: evidence from Australia and ItalyLink opens in a new window (with Cristiano Franceschinis, Mara Thiene, Jürgen Meyerhoff, Damien Field, Alex McBratney). The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 66: 335-362.

(2022) Pathways to Environmental Inequality: How Urban Traffic Noise Annoyance Varies across Socioeconomic Subgroups (with Peter Preisendörfer, Heidi Bruderer Enzler, Andreas Diekmann, Joerg Hartmann, and Karin Kurz). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(22): 14984.

(2021) Large and persistent effects of green energy defaults in the household and business sectorsLink opens in a new window (with Jennifer Gewinner and Andreas Diekmann). Nature Human Behaviour 5: 576–585. (featured on Nature Human Behaviour coverLink opens in a new window) (covered in a Nature Human Behaviour News & ViewsLink opens in a new window)

(2021) Values, Beliefs, Norms, and Conservation-Oriented Behaviors toward Native Fish Biodiversity in Rivers: Evidence from Four European CountriesLink opens in a new window (with Carsten Riepe, Marie Fujitani, Sophia Kochalski, Øystein Aas, and Robert Arlinghaus). Society & Natural Resources 34: 701-722.

(2021) Sustainable Quality of Life: A Conceptualization That Integrates the Views of Inhabitants of Swiss Rural RegionsLink opens in a new window (with Thea Wiesli, Thomas Hammer and Roger Bär). Sustainability 13: 9187.

(2021) Models of moral decision making: Theory and empirical applications in various domains (editorial, with Caspar Chorus and Jürgen Meyerhoff). Journal of Choice Modelling 39 (Special Issue on Models of Moral Decision Making: Theory and Empirical Applications in Various Domains): 100280.

(2021) Mapping potentials and challenges of choice modelling for social science researchLink opens in a new window (with Jürgen Meyerhoff). Journal of Choice Modelling 38 (Special Issue on Choice Modelling in Social Science Research): 100270.

(2021) Explaining Ethnic Violence: On the Relevance of Geographic, Social, Economic, and Political Factors in Hate Crimes on RefugeesLink opens in a new window (with Nicole Schwitter). European Sociological Review 37: 429-448.

(2020) Examining discrimination in everyday life: a stated choice experiment on racism in the sharing economy (with Heiko Beyer). Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47: 2065-2088.

(2021) Uncovering the Nexus Between Attitudes, Preferences and Behavior in Sociological Applications of Stated Choice Experiments (with Peter Mariel, Heiko Beyer, and Jürgen Meyerhoff). Sociological Methods & Research 50: 310-347.

(2020) Contact Heterogeneity as a Mediator of the Relationship between Social Class and Altruistic GivingLink opens in a new window (with Andreas Tutić), Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 6: 1–16.

(2020) Measurement of Fairness Perceptions in Energy Transition Research: A Factorial Survey ApproachLink opens in a new window (with Geesche Dobers), Sustainability 12(19): 8084 (Special Issue Energy Transition and Climate Change in Decision-making Processes).

(2020) Diskriminierungserfahrungen und Bedrohungswahrnehmungen von in Deutschland lebenden Juden (with Heiko Beyer). Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik 4: 127-148.

(2020) Going Digital: Web data collection using Twitter as an exampleLink opens in a new window (with Nicole Schwitter), Oxfam Going Digital Series.

(2020) The social acceptance of airport expansion scenarios: A factorial survey experiment (with Peter Preisendörfer and Heidi Bruderer Enzler). Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 84: 102363.

(2020) Using Factorial Survey Experiments to Measure Attitudes, Social Norms, and Fairness Concerns in Developing Countries (with Ismaïl M. Moumouni, Christine Bigler, Chantal Ingabire, and Sabin Bieri). Sociological Methods & Research 49: 161-192.

(2019) Decomposing public support for energy policy: What drives acceptance of and intentions to protest against renewable energy expansion in Germany? (with Geesche Dobers). Energy Research & Social Science 47: 247-260.

(2019) What is missing in research on non-monetary incentives in the household energy sector? (with Jennifer Gewinner and Andreas Diekmann). Energy Policy 123: 180-183.

(2019) Do environmental concern and future orientation predict metered household electricity use? (with Heidi Bruderer Enzler and Andreas Diekmann). Journal of Environmental Psychology 62: 22-29.

(2019) Objektiver Status, subjektiver Status und Prosozialität bei Schweizer Berufsschülern (with Nicole Schwitter and Andreas Tutić). Swiss Journal of Sociology 45: 57-81.

(2019) A Web Survey Application of Real Choice Experiments (with Klaus Glenk, Marie von Meyer-Höfer, and Achim Spiller). Journal of Choice Modelling 33: 100150.

(2019) Prosocial Behavior across Professional Boundaries: Experimental Evidence from HospitalsLink opens in a new window (with Elias Naumann and Andreas Tutić). SAGE Open 9: 1-12.

(2019) Exploring the relationship between holistic spirituality and gender essentialism among Swiss university students (with Annika Zemp). Social Compass 66: 238-255.

(2019) Sozialer Status, Altruistisches Geben und Reziprozität: Befunde aus einem Quasi-Experiment mit Probanden aus den USA (with Andreas Tutić). Zeitschrift für Soziologie 48: 176-189.

(2018) How Stable Are Anti-American Attitudes over Time? A Test-Retest Study in Germany Including Twelve Statements to Measure Aversion against America and Americans (with Heiko Beyer). International Journal of Sociology 48: 216-230.

(2018) The Elective Affinities of Anti-Semitic and Anti-American Resentments in Germany (with Heiko Beyer). Social Science Quarterly 99: 262-282.

(2018) From Welcome Culture to Welcome Limits? Uncovering Preference Changes over Time for Sheltering Refugees in Germany (with Jürgen Meyerhoff, Maarten Kroesen, Caspar Chorus, and Klaus Glenk) PLoS ONE 13(8): e0199923.

(2018) Citizenship Status, Warm Glow, and Prosocial Behavior: A Quasi-Experiment on Giving Behavior by Host-Country Citizens and Asylum Seekers (with Andreas Tutić). Analyse & Kritik 40: 161-184.

(2017) A Turbine is not only a Turbine: The Role of Social Context and Fairness Characteristics for the Local Acceptance of Wind PowerLink opens in a new window (with Anna Bartczak and Jürgen Meyerhoff). Energy Policy 107: 300-308. (Nature Energy coverLink opens in a new window)

(2017) Giving More to Humans than to Animals in Need? A Behavioral Measure of Animal–Human Continuity in Large-scale Surveys (with Benedikt Jahnke). Anthrozoös 30: 249-261.

(2017) Has Anti-Americanism Become a “Progressive Prejudice” in Germany? Attitudes of the German Public toward America and Americans (with Heiko Beyer). The Sociological Quarterly 2: 202-228.

(2017) Low-Cost-Hypothese und Rationalität: Eine neue theoretische Herleitung und einige Implikationen [Low-Cost-Hypothesis and Rationality: A New Theoretical Derivation and some Implications]. (with Andreas Tutić and Thomas Voss) Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69: 651-672.

(2017) Sozialer Status und prosoziales Handeln: Ein Quasi-Experiment im Krankenhaus [Social status and prosocial behavior: a quasi-experiment in the hospital] (with Elias Naumann and Andreas Tutić) Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69: 109-129.

(2016) Context Effects and the Temporal Stability of Stated Preferences (with Cordula Hundeshagen, Heiko Beyer, and Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel). Social Science Research 60: 135-147.

(2016) Generosity is a Sign of Trustworthiness – the Punishment of Selfishness is not (with Wojtek Przepiorka). Evolution and Human Behavior 37: 255-262.

(2015) Does the use of mobile devices (tablets and smartphones) affect survey quality and choice behaviour in web surveys? (Klaus Glenk, Malte Oehlmann, and Jürgen Meyerhoff) Journal of Choice Modelling 14: 17-31.

(2015) Do Information, Price, or Morals Influence Ethical Consumption? A Natural Field Experiment and Customer Survey on the Purchase of Fair Trade Coffee (with Veronika Andorfer). Social Science Research 51: 330-350.

(2015) Three Experimental Approaches to Measure the Social Context Dependence of Prejudice Communication and Discriminatory Behavior (with Heiko Beyer). Social Science Research 49: 343-355.

(2014) Anti-Americanism in Europe: Theoretical Mechanisms and Empirical Evidence (with Heiko Beyer). European Sociological Review 30 (1): 90-106.

(2013) Consumer Behavior in Moral Markets. On the Relevance of Identity, Justice Beliefs, Social Norms, Status and Trust in Ethical Consumption (with Veronika Andorfer). European Sociological Review 29 (6): 1251-1265.

(2013) Zur Messung aktueller Erscheinungsformen von Judenfeindlichkeit mithilfe des faktoriellen Surveys [Measuring Current Manifestations of Hostility towards Jews Using Factorial Surveys] (with Heiko Beyer). Zeitschrift für Soziologie 42 (3): 186-199.

(2012) Test–Retest Reliability of Choice Experiments in Environmental Valuation (with Jürgen Meyerhoff and Volkmar Hartje). Environmental and Resource Economics 53 (3): 389-407.

(2012) Research on Fair Trade Consumption—A Review (with Veronika Andorfer). Journal of Business Ethics 106: 415-435.

(2012) Protester or non-protester: a binary state? On the use (and non-use) of latent class models to analyse protesting in economic valuation (with Jürgen Meyerhoff and Anna Bartczak). Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 56 (2): 438–454.

(2012) Preferences of Scotch Malt Whisky Consumers for Changes in Pesticide Use and Origin of Barley (with Klaus Glenk, Clare Hall, and Jürgen Meyerhoff). Food Policy 37: 719–731.

(2011) To Pay or Not to Pay: Competing Theories to Explain Individuals’ Willingness to Pay for Public Environmental Goods (with Peter Preisendörfer and Jürgen Meyerhoff). Environment and Behavior 43 (1): 106-130.

(2011) Choice-Experimente und die Messung von Handlungsentscheidungen in der Soziologie [Choice Experiments and the Measurement of Behavioral Decisions in Sociology] (with Katrin Auspurg). Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 63 (2): 301-314.

(2010) Different Routes to Explain Pro-Environmental Behavior: An Overview and Assessment. Analyse & Kritik 32 (1): 137-157.

(2010) Status Groups and Altruistic Behaviour in Dictator Games (with Andreas Tutić). Rationality and Society 22 (3): 353-380.

(2010) Are the Affluent Prepared to Pay for the Planet? Explaining Willingness to Pay for Public and Quasi-private Environmental Goods in Switzerland (with Reto Meyer). Population and Environment 32 (1): 42-56.

(2010) Determinants of Protest Responses in Environmental Valuation: A Meta-study (with Jürgen Meyerhoff). Ecological Economics 70 (2): 366-374.

(2010) Antiamerikanismus und Antisemitismus: Zum Verhältnis zweier Ressentiments [Anti-Americanism and Anti-Semitism: On the Relationship between Two Resentments] (with Heiko Beyer). Zeitschrift für Soziologie 39 (3): 215-232.

(2010) Die Rekrutierung neuer Mitarbeiter aus Organisationsperspektive: eine komplementäre Sicht auf soziale Netzwerke im Arbeitsmarkt [“Recruiting” from the Organizational Perspective: A Complementary View on Social Networks in Labor Markets] (with Karsten Wegerich). Soziale Welt 61 (2): 161-178.

(2009) Status Quo Effect in Choice Experiments: Empirical Evidence on Attitudes and Choice Task Complexity (with Jürgen Meyerhoff). Land Economics 85 (3): 515-528.

(2009) A Theory of Status-Mediated Inequity Aversion (with Andreas Tutić). Journal of Mathematical Sociology 33 (3): 157-195.

(2009) Benefits of Biodiversity Enhancement of Nature-Oriented Silviculture: Evidence from two Choice Experiments in Germany (with Jürgen Meyerhoff and Volkmar Hartje). Journal of Forest Economics 15 (1-2): 37-58.

(2008) Do Protest Responses to a Contingent Valuation Question and a Choice Experiment Differ? (with Jürgen Meyerhoff) Environmental and Resource Economics 39 (4): 433-446.

(2006) Protest Beliefs in Contingent Valuation: Explaining Their Motivation (with Jürgen Meyerhoff). Ecological Economics 57 (4): 583-594.

(2006) Zahlungsbereitschaft für kollektive Umweltgüter: Kritische Überlegungen zur Theorie geplanten Handelns [Willingness to Pay for Public Environmental Goods: Critical Considerations on the Theory of Planned Behavior]. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 29 (1): 87-105.

(2005) Formelle versus informelle Problemlösung in wirtschaftlichen Transaktionen: Erklärungsdeterminanten zwischen “legal centralism” und “legal peripheralism” [Formal versus Informal Problem Resolution in Economic Transactions: Explanations between “Legal Centralism” and “Legal Peripheralism”]. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 34 (2): 128-146.

(2004) Problem- und Konfliktlösung in wirtschaftlichen Transaktionen: Die Konstruktion einer Konfliktpyramide am Beispiel des Einkaufs von EDV-Produkten [Problem-solving and Conflict-Resolution in Economic Transactions: The Development of a Dispute Pyramid]. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 56 (3): 539-562.


Special Issues Edited

(2021) Choice Modelling in Social Science ResearchLink opens in a new window (with Jürgen Meyerhoff). Journal of Choice Modelling.

(2021) Models of Moral Decision Making: Theory and Empirical Applications in Various DomainsLink opens in a new window (with Caspar Chorus and Jürgen Meyerhoff). Journal of Choice Modelling.



(2021) Environmental Valuation with Discrete Choice Experiments: Guidance on Design, Implementation and Data AnalysisLink opens in a new window (with Petr Mariel, David Hoyos, Jürgen Meyerhoff, Mikolaj Czajkowski, Thijs Dekker, Klaus Glenk, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Søren Bøye Olsen, Julian Sagebiel, Mara Thiene). Cham: Springer Nature.

(2007) Zahlungsbereitschaft für kollektive Umweltgüter. Soziologische und ökonomische Analysen [Willingness to Pay for Public Environmental Goods: Sociological and Economic Analyses]. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

(2004) Probleme und Konflikte in wirtschaftlichen Transaktionen [Problem-Solving and Conflict-Resolution in Economic Transactions]. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.


Articles in Books (Selection)

(2021) Non-monetary incentives and energy conservation, pp. 151-167 in: Axel Franzen and Sebastian Mader (Ed.), Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology (Research Handbooks in Sociology series). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

(2021) Opposing Effects of Objective and Subjective Social Status on Prosociality: Theory and Quasi-Experiment (with Andreas Tutić), pp. 221-244 in: Ivar Krumpal, Werner Raub, and Andreas Tutić (Ed.), Rationality in Social Science: Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality (Festschrift fuer Thomas Voss). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

(2021) Factor Analysis: Uncovering Unobservable Constructs, pp. 115-119 in: Jean-Frédéric Morin, Christian Olsson and Ece Özlem Atikcan (Ed.), Research Methods in the Social Sciences: an A-Z of Key Concepts. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

(2020) Tierwohlbewusstsein in Deutschland und den USA. Eine empirische Annaeherung (with Benedikt Jahnke), pp. 141-156 in: Heiko Beyer and Martin Krauss (Ed.), Amerika - Europa: Transatlantizismus als Erkenntnisstrategie. Festschrift für Andrei S. Markovits. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag.

(2018) Culture, Consumption, and Sustainability in Sociological Perspective, in: Torsten Meireis and Gabriele Rippl (Eds.) Cultural Sustainability. London: Routledge.

(2017) Rational Choice (with Andreas Tutić), in: William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner (Ed.), Sage Handbook of Political Sociology. London: Sage.

(2017) The Interplay of Social Status and Reciprocity (with Andreas Tutić), in: Ben Jann and Wojtek Przepiorka (Ed.), Social Dilemmas, Institutions and the Evolution of Cooperation. Berlin: de Gruyter.

(2015) Experimente in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Umweltforschung [Experiments in Social Science Environmental Research]. Pp. 132-152 in: Marc Keuschnigg and Tobias Wolbring (Ed.), Experimente in den Sozialwissenschaften [Experiments in the Social Sciences]. Sonderband der Sozialen Welt.

(2014) Willingness to Pay for Private Environmental Goods, pp. 7131-7137 in: Alex C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. New York: Springer.

(2010) Rational Choice Theory and the Environment: Variants, Applications, and New Trends (with Peter Preisendörfer). PP. 141-157 in: Matthias Gross and Harald Heinrichs (Ed.), Environmental Sociology: European Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Challenges. Berlin: Springer.