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Sivamohan Valluvan

Sivamohan Valluvan

Associate Professor of Sociology


Room: D0.09

Valluvan joined Warwick Sociology in 2018, having previously worked at the University of Manchester. His MSc and ESRC funded PhD study, the latter awarded in June 2014, was also based at Manchester Sociology. Previously, he attained a BA in Political Science from the University of Stockholm.

Drawing upon postcolonial, cultural studies, and Marxist traditions, Valluvan has written widely on debates as pertaining to racism, nationalism, multiculture and cosmopolitanism. His PhD thesis explored urban multiculture as lived in both London and Stockholm. Other writing has engaged the 2011 riots, theoretical debates regarding cosmopolitanism and postcolonialism, alongside interrogations of what is meant by ‘post-race’.

Valluvan's ongoing research areas focus on the rise of a contemporary nationalism that traverses a range of ideological and cultural repertoires – a project that culminated in the widely-reviewed 2019 monograph, The Clamour of Nationalism Link opens in a new window(Manchester University Press). This has been complemented by a British Academy funded research project aimed at critically unpacking and challenging recent invocations of a ‘Left Behind’ in much public analysis.

Valluvan has also previously sat on the editorial boards for the journals Citizenship Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and Sociological Review, as well as continuing to serve on the Board of Directors for Commonword, a Manchester (UK) based organisation aimed at cultivating the talents and profile of creative writers from underrepresented backgrounds.

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