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Mentee News

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Mentoring Programme celebrates second IiP accreditation

We are delighted to announce that the Business School’s Mentoring Programme has gained Investors in People (IiP) accreditation for the second time.

Thu 11 Jul 2019, 15:54

Hot off the press: DLMBA retains number one world ranking

Delighted to share that the Distance Learning MBA (DLMBA) has retained its number one spot, this year in the Financial Times world rankings.

see: DLMBA from WBS, crowned number 1 in the world

Mon 04 Mar 2019, 10:44

First ever - Mentee Exchange - Online session

Although a small group joined ... it was a great way to share hints and tips, whilst refreshing where to find material. If you couldn't join us (or even if you did) take a look at what we covered ... and don't miss the next one, which will be held in a few months time.

Thu 14 Feb 2019, 17:44

Annual Survey results

Thank you to those who gave us their valuable feedback in our Annual Survey. Here are the headlines from this year's results ... some interesting results.

Thu 14 Feb 2019, 13:00

Spotlight on Career Management Module - "Operating in a Global Environment"

Our Career Management Module has bite-sized lessons designed to help you work out how to make things happen in your career.

Wed 13 Feb 2019, 13:00

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Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371