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Mentee News

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WBS Mentoring continues to satisfy and deliver excellent recommendation rates …

A BIG thank you to all the engaged mentee’s on the programme. For many of you the combination of WBS qualification, career services and mentoring is making a positive impact to your future.

Thu 03 May 2018, 11:37

Career Changes and Choices

We are taught from an early age that successful careers are the result of planning. At school and University we are urged to analyse our key strengths and motivations and research the job market to make informed choices about our career direction.

How far this plan-and-implement model is still possible or even relevant in the context of today’s fast moving business world and job market? Are the choices you make today still relevant?

Thu 03 May 2018, 11:29

Distance Learning MBA – best in the world!!

If you have not heard, the Distance Learning MBA (DLMBA) is ranked number 1 in the world!

Thu 03 May 2018, 11:24

Induction day support

Remember that we have templates you may wish to use. These are optional but many find them helpful or even an excuse to help re-calibrate your mentoring relationship.

Thu 03 May 2018, 10:39

Dedicated Mentee area for programme participants!

Following feedback, we thought it would helpful to place mentoring programme elements together in one place for programme participants. We will also link through to relevant resources, offer tips and advice … as well as any events or workshops, too.

Thu 03 May 2018, 10:33

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Donna Curtis
Mentoring Programme Manager
donna dot curtis at wbs dot ac dot uk

024 761 50371