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Nasty virus infection

Update 11th December 2.36pm

Scanning from Kyocera and Ricoh devices re-enabled. If you have any problems using these please contact the WBS Helpdesk (help at wbs dot ac dot uk).

Update: 10th December 12.06pm

We are currently seeing a few examples of a nasty virus infection on staff and student machines. We have taken a number of steps to address this. Please see the following pieces of advice / information:

  1. Until further notice please refrain from doing any online banking from WBS computers
  2. Scanning from the Ricohs or Kyoceras has been disabled. Should you have an urgent requirement for this please contact the Helpdesk (
  3. We shall shortly be auto-updating any Java software on your computer. If you see a popup message on your computer entitled 'WBS eSolutions' asking you to close your Internet browser or log off please comply
  4. The Q drive, most commonly used for its Theatres_students folder, has temporarily been made read-only for all users
  5. Command prompts (also known as DOS prompts) have been temporarily disabled

For the latest information please see our Twitter feed at

Viruses detected are: