Upgrades to WBS teaching rooms this summer
This summer the seminar rooms B0.08/B0.09 and the PG IT Suite teaching rooms D0.04/D0.05 were upgraded. Some of the improvements include:
Wide lecterns with plenty of space for papers and even somewhere to sit down!
Increased whiteboard space with high-quality glass whiteboards and a motorised screen
Ceiling-mounted visualisers (D0.04/5 or folding visualisers B0.08/9) to maximise lectern space and to allow you to use whiteboards while still facing your audience
Also (but sorry, no photos):
- Confidence monitors towards the backs of the rooms to allow you to see what your audience can see without having to turn around
- Automatic re-configuration of the system in D0.04/5 based on the position of the movable wall (i.e. automatically to link the rooms when the wall is removed)
- New computers throughtout all rooms
- New components offering improved audio and projection
- Touch screen confidence monitors on flexible arms