Xuan Vinh Doan
InformationDoan, Xuan Vinh E-mail: Xuan-dot-Doan-at-wbs-dot-ac-dot-uk "The only thing we require to be good philosophers is the faculty of wonder", Jostein Gaarder Curriculum VitaeLink opens in a new window. Updates. Facts. Publications. Extras. |
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I am currently the Research Lead in Analytics of the ISM-Analytics (ISMA) group at Warwick Business School. I was a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute for five years (2018-2023). I was affiliated with DIMAP Center.
I am a member of the OR Society's General Council (Event and Research Committee) and a member of NATCOR's Executive Committee.
I am the external examiner of BSc in Business Analytics at the University of Exeter.
I am attending the EURO 33rd Conference in Copenhagen, June 30 - July 03, 2024.
I am delivering the NATCOR course on Decision Making with Multiple Criteria and Uncertainty (uMCDM) at the University of Portsmouth, September 02-06, 2024.
Submitted papers
- "Operations Research Games under Uncertainty and Distributional Ambiguity", March 2024 (with T. D. Nguyen)
Previous Academic Position
- Turing Fellow, Alan Turing Institute, London, UK (October 2018 - September 2023)
- Visting Professor, LGIPM, University of Lorraine, Metz, France (November 2021 - December 2021)
- Associate Professor, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK (January 2015 - July 2021)
- Assistant Professor, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK (October 2011 - December 2014)
- Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, Canada (November 2009 - September 2011)
- Supervisors: Professor Henry Wolkowicz and Professor Stephen Vavasis
- PhD in Operations Research from Operations Research Center at MIT (October 2009)
- Advisor: Professor Dimitris Bersimas
- Thesis: "Optimization under Moment, Robust, and Data-Driven Models of Uncertainty"
- M.S. in HPCES (High Performance Computations for Engineered Systems) from Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) program, Singapore (June 2004)
- B.Eng in Software Systems from RMIT University, Australia (December 2002)
- High school education in Vietnam (Quoc Hoc, Hue)
Graduated PhD Students
- Dr Chenlan Wang (2014)
- Dr Ruini Qu (2018)
- Dr Elvan Gokalp (2018)
- Dr Ankang Sun (2023)
- Dr Mengke Wang (2023)
- Dr Weicheng Wang (2023)
- Teaching experience:
- Optimal Decision Making, Recent Advances in Operational Research (PhD Programme), Warwick Business School
- Optimisation Methods, Analytics in Practice, Text Analytics, Advanced Analytics (MSc Business Analytics modules), Warwick Business School
- Mathematical Programming I, II, Decision Making under Uncertainty, and Applied Optimisation Methods (MORSE undergraduate modules), University of Warwick
- Optimization Training for Industry (Newton Gateway to Mathematics training course), Isaac Newton Institute
- Scheduling Theory (undergraduate module), Spring 2010, University of Waterloo
- Optimization Methods in Management Science, Optimization Methods, OR in the Real World, Operations Management, The Theory of Operations Management, Nonlinear Programming (teaching assistant), MIT
- Industrial experience:
- PSA Corp., Singapore (2004)
- Micronas GmbH, Germany (2003)
- Request Ltd., Australia (2001-2002)
Journal Papers
- "Fairness Criteria for Allocating Indivisible Chores: Connections and Efficiencies", Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 37(8), August 2023 (with B. Chen and A. Sun)
- "Dynamic surgery management under uncertainty", European Journal of Operational Research, 309(2), 832–844, September 2023 (with N. Gulpinar and E. Gokalp)
- "Learning from data with structured missingness", Nature Machine Intelligence, 5, 13–23, January 2023 (with R. Mitra, S. McGough, C. Harbron, and B. MacArthur et al.)
- "Equitability and Welfare Maximization for Allocating Indivisible Items", Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 37(8), December 2022 (with B. Chen and A. Sun)
- "Distributionally Robust Optimization under Endogenous Uncertainty with an Application in Retrofit Planning", European Journal of Operational Research, 300(1), 73–84, July 2022
- "Low-Rank Matrix Recovery with Ky Fan 2-k-Norm", Journal of Global Optimization, 82, 727–751, April 2022 (with S. Vavasis)
- "Robust Newsvendor Games with Ambiguity in Demand Distributions", Operations Research, 68(4), 1047–1062, July 2020 (with T. D. Nguyen)
- "Price of Anarchy for Atomic Congestion Games with Stochastic Demands" Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 44, 2123–2142, May 2020 (with B. Chen and C. Wang)
- "Pricing of Reusable Resources under Ambiguous Distributions of Demand and Service Time with Emerging Applications", European Journal of Operational Research, 282(1), 235–251, April 2020 (with X. Lei and S. Shen)
- "Capacity Planning for a Network of Stem-Cell Donation Centres under Uncertainty", Production and Operations Management, 29(2), 281–297, February 2020 (with N. Gulpinar and E. Gokalp)
- "Resource Allocation When Planning for Concurrent Disasters", European Journal of Operational Research, 274(2), 687–709, January 2019 (with D. Shaw)
- "Finding the Largest Low-Rank Clusters with Ky Fan 2-k-norm and L1-Norm", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 26(1), 274–312, January 2016 (with S. Vavasis)
- "Robustness to Dependency in Portfolio Optimization Using Overlapping Marginals", Operations Research, 63(6), 1468 – 1488, November 2015 (with X. Li and K. Natarajan): 2nd Place Winner of the INFORMS Financial Services Section (FSS) Best Student Paper Research Award 2013Link opens in a new window for Xiaobo Li
- "Price of Anarchy for Non-Atomic Congestion Games with Stochastic Demands", Transportation Research Part B: Methodology, 70, 90 - 111, December 2014. (with B. Chen and C. Wang)
- "Finding Approximately Rank-One Submatrices with the Nuclear Norm and L1-Norm", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 23(4), 2502 - 2540, December 2013. (with S. Vavasis). Unpublished proofLink opens in a new window of NP-hardness of LAROS problem.
- "A Proximal Point Algorithm for Sequential Feature Extraction Applications", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35(1), A517 - A540, February 2013. (with K. C. Toh and S. Vavasis)
- "A Robust Algorithm for Semidefinite Programming", Optimization Methods and Software, 27(4-5), 667 - 693, August 2012. (with S. Kruk and H. Wolkowicz)
- "On the Complexity of Non-Overlapping Multivariate Marginal Bounds for Probabilistic Combinatorial Optimization Problems", Operations Research, 60(1), 138 - 149, February 2012. (with K. Natarajan)
- "Data-Driven and Robust Optimization Approaches to Call Centers", European Journal of Operational Research, 207(2), 1072 - 1085, December 2010. (with D. Bertsimas)
- "Models for Minimax Stochastic Linear Optimization Problems with Risk Aversion", Mathematics of Operations Research, 35(3), 580 - 602, August 2010. (with D. Bertsimas, K. Natarajan and C. P. Teo)
- "Approximating Integrals of Multivariate Exponentials: A Moment Approach", Operations Research Letters, 36(2), 205 - 210, March 2008. (with D. Bertsimas and J. Lasserre)
Conference Proceedings
- "Optimizing Merkle Tree Structure for Blockchain transactions by a DC Programming approach" in "Computational Collective Intelligence. ICCCI 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14162": N. T. Nguyen et al. (eds.), September 2023 (with H. A. Le Thi and T. T. T. Nguyen)
- "Connections between fairness criteria and efficiency for allocating indivisible chores" in "Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021)": U. Endriss, A. Nowe, F. Dignum, A. Lomuscio (eds.), May 2021 (with A. Sun and B. Chen)
- "Low-Rank Matrix Recovery with Ky Fan 2-k-Norm" in "Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications, WCGO 2019": Le Thi H., Le H., Pham Dinh T. (eds), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 991, July 2019 (with S. Vavasis)
Technical Reports
- "Real-Time Scheduling for Multi-Functional Phased Array Radar", Project Report, Operations Research Center, MIT, March 2008. (with D. Bertsimas and M. Weber)
- "Bounds on Some Contingent Claims with Non-Convex Payoff Based on Multiple Assets", Technical Report, Operations Research Center, MIT, August 2007. (with D. Bertsimas and K. Natarajan) PDFLink opens in a new window
- "Multivariate Exponential Integral Approximations: A Moment Approach", Technical Report, Operations Research Center, MIT, January 2006. (with D. Bertsimas and J. Lasserre) PDFLink opens in a new window
- "Ant Colony Optimization for a Machine-Job Scheduling Problem with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times and Delay Threshold Limits", Working Paper, Singapore - MIT Alliance, National University of Singapore, May 2004.
- "Capacity Management: Using the Dual Solution of the Multi-Commodity Flow Problem to Set OSPF Weights - A Fast Heuristics", ATcrc Technical Report, Australia, January 2003. (with J. Murphy, R. Nelson, and R. Harris) PDFLink opens in a new window