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Scholarship impact reports

Thank you for supporting students at Warwick

It has been a fantastic year for scholarship at Warwick. Social mobility and access to educational opportunity are growing challenges to society, yet you have helped more people than ever before embark upon their journey here.

Warwick Scholars' Programme

impactreportTo my anonymous donor: hello and thank you for your generous gift! I have been waiting all year for the chance to speak to you; and what an amazing year it’s been.

I’ve had great opportunities this year, and whilst they’ve scared me, I’m not one to pass them up. I was a speaker at Warwick’s WIDE event, something offered to me in the first week of term! I’m going to be part of a national campaign for Advancing Access, bringing higher education closer to 13-17 year olds from disadvantaged backgrounds, and a Brightside mentor to help reach young people and make higher education a reality for them too.

Not knowing who you are has been interesting. I find myself thinking more deeply about how I treat others, since I could potentially encounter you at any time, and in my part-time job, I strive with strengthened vigour to treat every customer as I would treat you. How incredible it is that your selfless gift has affected me so profoundly.

The scholarship has been like having a gentle hand behind me to spur me on when I felt overwhelmed; a quiet reminder that someone believed in me, more than I believed in myself. Thank you."

Keep reading the Warwick Scholars' Programme Impact Report 2016(PDF Document)

Multicultural Scholars' Programme

MSP impact report

First and foremost, THANK YOU! Your generosity has improved my well-being, social, cultural, and academic experience during my first year at Warwick. I grew up in the second most deprived borough in the UK. I faced challenges in my academic development, and I am the first in my immediate family to attend university. Your kindness has offered me opportunities to break those social barriers and achieve exceedingly well.

I have had a thrilling, stimulating, and adventurous time so far at Warwick. For the year ahead I am ready. I am energized. Academically I have gone from strength to strength, securing a First Class mark in my first year. This performance has allowed me to secure numerous internships and pay for travel expenses. It also helped me take up volunteer roles, and start two businesses of my own. These have now gained traction to raise several thousand pounds, allowing me to continue its on-going development, marketing, and lifespan.

Without you none of this would have been possible. If I ever go on to have a film made about me as the next Mark Zuckerberg, I have you to thank and would hope your anonymity is no more so you can star with me!
I do not come from an ambitious or prosperous family, and with genuine honesty the funding has allowed me to improve my family relationships as the funding contributes to my success, for which my family are immensely proud. I one day hope to be in a situation that you are – to give back. To be humble. To disseminate wealth to promote knowledge – “knowledge is power”.

I hope as a donor you see the magnitude of the effect you have on students such as myself. The small things add up, and the snowball effect of the funding means I will never truly be able to express my gratitude to you. Thank you for everything."

Keep reading the Multicultural Scholars' Programme Impact Report 2016 (PDF Document)