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Make a gift to support Warwick Scholars


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When you joined us in the 90s, Warwick was beginning to gain a reputation for its sprawling, countryside campus and the diversity of research taking place. Purpose-built centres for International Manufacturing and Modern Records sprang up during the decade, not to mention three new blocks of residences.

It wasn’t just new buildings that Warwick had to offer. New degree pathways, like the 2+2 degree, gave learners with few formal qualifications a launch pad into higher education. The first graduate donations to scholarships were received in the latter half of the decade. For over 20 years we have heeded the message of these donations: that the best and brightest students should attend Warwick, regardless of their background.

With the help of your gift, we can offer four more scholarships to students like Faryaal, who are beginning to shape their lives and make a better future for themselves and for society.

Here's a few facts about how your gift could make a difference:

  • £75 could cover one week of a scholarship bursary

  • £150 could enable a scholar to participate in a networking or cultural event

  • £300 could cover one month of a scholarship bursary

  • £2,000 could fund an entire scholarship bursary for one year

Could you be a part of something special today and give to the next generation of Warwick students?

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