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What is Colour?

The theme of the Ideas Cafe that took place in the Spring Term 2010, "What is Colour?", was picked to coincide with the opening of nominations for the 2011 Warwick Prize for Writing. Speakers from across the University talked on areas including the perception of colour, race and colour in literature and the colour of stars.

We filmed the event, and are currently in the process of putting together a video of it for you to watch online. In the meantime, you can find out what the people who attended wrote on the boards and table cloths, and, if you were there, pass on your feedback to us:

Thursday 11 March
5:30pm to 7:30pm
University House Café

Michael Rosen and China Miéville Discuss the 2011 Prize for Writing


Professor Ann Caesar
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Experience


Professor Catherine Bates
Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies


Professor Alan Chalmers
Warwick Manufacturing Group

Dr John Gilmore
Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies


Professor Tom Marsh
Department of Physics

Professor Paul Smith
History of Art