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Noel McCarthy awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Noel McCarthy awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Congratulations to Noel McCarthy who has been awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, mentored by Kate Seers. WMS staff seeking this teaching accreditation, in particular those without formal teaching qualifications, are supported in preparation by the Learning and Development Centre. Find out more.

Tue 04 Dec 2018, 11:38 | Tags: HealthSciences HS_PET HS_MHWB HS_STATS HS_Ethics

This week's press covering

This week's press coverage

The Guardian, the BBC and many others featured work by Ola Uthman on female genital mutilation.

Church Times featured an article by Reverend Mark Bratton on the film The Children Act, which tackles some profound medical-ethical issues.
Community Practitioner reported that a study from the University of Warwick by Dr Joanna Garstang and Dr Peter Sidebotham analysed the causes of sudden unexpected deaths in infants (SUDIs) in England.


Thu 15 Nov 2018, 15:51 | Tags: HS_PET HS_STATS HS_APC HS_Rehab HS_Ethics

This week's press coverage

The BBC featured an article in which Professor Franco Cappuccio discusses salt’s effect on the body.

WKZO, Channel NewsAsia and others featured comments by Dr Joanna Garstang on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in an article discussing the safest bedding for infants.

Eurofresh Distribution reported that simply moving where fresh fruit and vegetables are placed in a shop can increase their sales, according to WMS research. The article includes comments by Dr Oyinlola Oyebode.

Education Executive featured an article about mental wellbeing at work which includes comments from Professor Sarah Stewart-Brown.

WIRED UK included comments by Dr Michelle Miller on the link between sleep quality and physical health.

Dr Gregory Moorlock discussing human organ trade

The Conversation featured an article by Dr Gregory Moorlock discussing how an ex-Barcelona player’s legal liver transplant is focusing attention on the human organ trade.

Wed 01 Aug 2018, 12:23 | Tags: HS_SSSH HealthSciences HS_Ethics

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