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Departmental news

Congratulations - PhD awarded to Tommer Spence & Kirstie Shearman

Tommer Spence has been awarded a PhD in Health Sciences for their PhD on ‘The Perceptions and Experiences of Using Internet-Based Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections’. Tommer was supervised by Frances Griffiths in the Division of Health Sciences and Jonathan Ross.

Kirstie Shearman has been awarded a PhD in Health Sciences for her PhD on ‘Improving Information for Research Participation’. Kirstie was supervised by Heather Draper and Greg Moorlock in the Division of Health Sciences.

Wed 13 Jul 2022, 12:36 | Tags: HS_SSSH HealthSciences

Women's Academic Network: Turning research into stories

Monday 11 July, 12.00pm, GLT3 - Please note change of date

Dr David Gregor-Kumar, the BBC West Midlands Science Correspondent, will be coming to talk to the network. Come along and learn how to speak about your research and teaching on the radio or TV and counteract the under-representation of women scientists who broadcast their findings. Please let Stephanie Smart ( know if you are planning on attending for numbers and catering purposes, along with any dietary requirements.

Impact of Covid-19 on hospice care

During the Covid-19 pandemic hospice care across the West Midlands fell below the “gold-standard” despite the best efforts of frontline healthcare professionals. This news has been revealed in a report from the end of life charity Marie Curie, based on research from WMS led by Dr John MacArtney. Read the university's press release hereLink opens in a new window and the full report and films explaining the study and findings hereLink opens in a new window.

New Induction Training for Data Protection & Information Security launches 31 January 2022

Following the summer '21 launch of our new Annual Refresher course on Data Protection & Information Security, we have now completed production of a single new Induction course. It will be ready for launch and use by all new employees from 31 January 2022 as part of their mandatory new starter training.

New Induction Training for Data Protection & Information Security launches 31 January 2022 (

Congratulations to Julia Walsh on PhD award

Julia Walsh has been awarded a PhD in Health Sciences for their PhD on ‘Using spontaneously generated online patient experiences to improve healthcare: A case study using Modafinil’. Julia was supervised by Frances Griffiths in the Division of Health Sciences and Jonathan Cave.

Tue 16 Nov 2021, 12:12 | Tags: HS_SSSH HealthSciences

PhD Congratulations to Hilda Kabambe

Hilda Kabambe has been awarded a PhD in Health Sciences for their PhD on ‘Female sex workers' experiences with access to health care services in Malawi’. Hilda was supervised by Sophie Staniszewska and Kate Seers in the Division of Health Sciences.

Wed 13 Oct 2021, 11:59 | Tags: HS_SSSH HealthSciences

Congratulations to PhD student Liz Corrigan, supervised by Deborah Biggerstaff, Annie Young and Mark Sujan, who has been awarded an Empire Medal. The ceremony was held at Birmingham University.

Read more about Liz's experience below:

I was awarded the British Empire Medal for two things, firstly the work I did as Staff Covid Swabbing Hub Lead with the Wolverhampton Quality Team, which is part of Black Country and West Birmingham CCG. This involved being day to day operational lead, and also taking a strategic lead on planning and the development of standard operating procedures and policies for staff swabbing. Secondly it was for leading on a Strategy and Retention Plan for General Practice Nursing across the CCG footprint, which was recognised by NHS England and Improvement.

Both of these projects were 100% team effort and couldn't have been achieved without the support of my clinical and non-clinical colleagues (from the CCG, general practice, acute trust and local authority) who worked on everything from policy development and co-design, to swabbing, security and marshaling, to booking patients in, chasing and recording results, to training, organising estate and the supply of equipment and PPE. I'm proud to share the award with them.

We unfortunately didn't win the HSJ Patient Safety Team of the year award but were shortlisted for the work we did around staff and care home swabbing, improving infection prevention procedures with the aim of reducing harm and safeguarding patients.

Dr Lucy Hammond, Principle Fellow of Advance HE

Congratulations to Dr Lucy Hammond, who has recently achieved recognition as a Principal Fellow of Advance HE. Principal Fellowships are awarded to highly experienced and/or senior staff with wide-ranging academic or academic-related strategic leadership responsibilities in connection with key aspects of teaching and supporting learning.

Tue 20 Jul 2021, 11:20 | Tags: HS_SSSH HealthSciences

Congratulations to Helen Nolan

Congratulations to Helen Nolan for her research publication in leading medical education journal Medical Education. Read it here: Medical Educators’ views and experiences of trigger warnings in teaching sensitive content

Wed 16 Jun 2021, 13:50 | Tags: HS_SSSH HealthSciences

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