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Departmental news

Eight Members of the WMS Community Secure Warwick Institute of Engagement Fellowships

We are pleased to share news that eight members of the WMS community have secured Fellowships with the University's Institute of Engagement.

Co-production of knowledge: the future - BMJ

Wed 17 Feb 2021, 14:05 | Tags: HS_SSSH HealthSciences HS_PET HS_MHWB HS_Rehab HS_Ethics

Congratulations to Professor Felicity Boardman

Congratulations to Professor Felicity Boardman who has been made a Foundation Fellow of the Warwick Institute of Engagement.

Congratulations to Professor Sophie Staniszewska

Congratulations to Professor Sophie Staniszewska who has been made a Foundation Fellow of the Warwick Institute of Engagement. Sophie says becoming a Foundation Fellow creates 'a great link for us and a chance to further embed involvement and engagement in our teaching and research'.

Taking a LEAP forward: Compulsive exercise training in Sweden

Compulsive exercise is an important symptom of the eating disorders. It affects up to 80% of patients and is associated with longer length of hospitalisation, poor recovery, increased physiological complications and relapse rates. Work conducted by Professor Caroline Meyer and her team has increased our understanding of the causes and maintenance factors associated with problematic exercise and has led to the development of screening and assessment tools. In addition, this work has resulted in the development of LEAP, which is a cognitive-behavioural based approach specifically aimed at reducing compulsive exercise cognitions and behaviours.

Thu 22 Oct 2020, 17:16 | Tags: HealthSciences

Diagnostic tool for Coronavirus being developed by University of Warwick makes significant step forward

Scientists at the University of Warwick have demonstrated that a potential diagnostic tool for detecting COVID-19 using sugars will work with a virus rather than just its proteins, a significant step in making it a viable test in future.

Fri 25 Sep 2020, 12:05 | Tags: news HealthSciences

COVID-19 measures deepening health inequalities in slum communities

Efforts to stem the impact of COVID-19 in low to middle income countries could be creating a health time bomb in their slum communities by deepening existing inequalities, according to an international team of health researchers led by WMS.

Thu 24 Sep 2020, 15:08 | Tags: news HealthSciences

COVID-19 patients with sleep apnoea could be at additional risk

People who have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnoea could be at increased risk of adverse outcomes from COVID-19 according to a new study from WMS.

Thu 24 Sep 2020, 15:06 | Tags: news HealthSciences

University of Warwick partners in project forming part of UK Government’s support for global communities impacted by COVID-19

Researchers at WMS are part of an international research team that have been awarded funding by the UK Government to investigate remote primary healthcare consulting for people with long term conditions in Tanzania and Nigeria.

Fri 11 Sep 2020, 13:10 | Tags: news HealthSciences

Reset ethics: supporting ethical decision-making in non-Covid health services during and after the pandemic

Researchers at WMS are involved in a new project that will examine the issues of resetting NHS services following the suspension of all but essential services during lockdown.

Mon 07 Sep 2020, 14:44 | Tags: news HealthSciences

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