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Departmental news

Technology Award for Matt Gibson

Dr Matthew Gibson has been awarded the life science prize at the Royal Society of Chemistry Emerging Technology technology competition.

Mon 07 Jul 2014, 12:14 | Tags: news prize PolymerChem people ChemBio

Poster Prize for Caroline Biggs

Caroline Biggs in the GibsonGroup won the prize for best poster presentation at the 13th European Summer Course on Glycosciences. Her winning poster was entitled 'Polymer Functionalised Surfaces for Microarray Applications'.

Thu 24 Apr 2014, 16:24 | Tags: prize PolymerChem people MatPolymers AnalSciInst ChemBio

GibsonGroup in Chemical Science

The GibsonGroup describe glycopolymers that selectively target the Cholera toxin and may provide a non-antibiotic tool to combat infectious diseases

Sat 15 Feb 2014, 14:54 | Tags: PolymerChem publications AnalSciInst ChemBio

Lewandowski Group in JACS Spotlights

Lewandowski group in collaboration with Ladizhansky and Brown (U. of Guelph) groups have characterised site-specific molecular motions of a 7-helix membrane protein within a lipid bilayer using solid-state NMR measurements. Read the article in JACS. 

Fri 07 Feb 2014, 07:13 | Tags: publications AnalSciInst ChemBio

Gibson Group in Nature Communications

The Gibson Group, in collaboration with the Medical School, have demonstrated a new way to cryopreserve donor blood using a synthetic polymer which mimics Antifreeze Proteins found in Arctic Cod.

Read the paper here

Mon 03 Feb 2014, 17:07 | Tags: news PolymerChem people publications MatPolymers ChemBio

Two new Centres for Doctoral Training

Warwick Chemistry has played a lead role in securing funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for 2 new Centres for Doctoral training, in Molecular Analytical Science and Diamond Science and Technology, as part of the recently announced UK's largest investment in postgraduate training in engineering and physical sciences. The Universities and Science Minister, David Willetts, announced the funding of over seventy new Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs), spread across 24 UK universities on 22nd November.

For further information please visit: 

 Julie Macpherson

Waking up a silent metabolic pathway results in the discovery of new gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA)-derived ureas

Research, led by the Corre group, has exploited their insight into bacterial regulatory mechanisms that control natural product biosynthesis to inactivate a key transcriptional repressor gene. Consequently, a normally silent pathway was constitutively expressed in the mutant strain and novel natural products were produced, isolated and structurally characterised. This work, published as an open access edge article in Chemical Science, represents a powerful strategy for the discovery of new natural products by rational manipulation of pathway-specific regulatory elements.

Tue 05 Nov 2013, 10:18 | Tags: publications ChemBio

Misread heart muscle gene a new clue to risk of sudden cardiac death

Scientists have discovered that a drug which increases the risk of sudden cardiac death interacts with mistranslated protein-coding genes present in heart muscle.

Thu 24 Oct 2013, 16:17 | Tags: publications SynthCat ChemBio

Anticancer metallohelices

Scott group researchers report in Chemical Science (Open Access) that some of their helical metal flexicate complexes have high activity and selectivity against a range of cancer cell lines including cisplatin-resistant strains. The mechanism involves arresting cells in the G2/mitosis phase, and DNA binding is not necessarily involved.

Mon 16 Sep 2013, 14:49 | Tags: publications SynthCat ChemBio

Greg Challis awarded Royal Society Wolfson Award

The Royal Society has announced the appointment of 22 new Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award holders including Professor Greg Challis of the Department of Chemistry.

Fri 30 Aug 2013, 13:28 | Tags: news prize people ChemBio

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