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Departmental news

WMG Officially Launches International Doctorate Centre

email_04.jpgWMG has officially launched its new International Doctorate Centre in High Value, Low Environmental Impact Manufacturing.

Guests from both industry and the education sector heard how WMG will train the manufacturing leaders of tomorrow through a 4 year programme which will see them achieve both an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) and an MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Mon 10 Oct 2011, 17:42 | Tags: Research Degrees Education Partnerships Full-time Masters

Formal agreement signed between WMG and Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia

UPNM signingAt an event hosted today by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority the Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and the Business Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, The Right Honourable Vince Cable MP witnessed the exchange by Professor Lord Bhattacharyya and Lt Jen Dato’ Wira Allatif bin Mohd Noor of the signed formal agreement for WMG to deliver their world renowned Engineering Business Management MSc at Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM).

Wed 13 Jul 2011, 19:02 | Tags: Lord Bhattacharyya Full-time Masters

Central Bank of India agrees 2 million rupee loans for WMG students at Warwick

MoU signing 10 May 2011Mr S Sridhar, the Chairman and Managing Director of the Central Bank of India, paid a special visit to WMG at the University of Warwick, on Tuesday 10 May, to sign an agreement to provide fast track student loans of up to 2 million (20 lakh) rupees (just over 26,000 UK pounds) to Indian students studying at WMG.

Mr S Sridhar signed the agreement with WMG Director Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya.


WMG and Barloworld SCS teaching the supply chain leaders of tomorrow

Global supply chain planning company, Barloworld Supply Chain Software is currently working with WMG to prepare the supply chain industry leaders of tomorrow for a bright future.

Digital Lab showcases top quality students to recruiters

Over 500 students from across the University attended a Summer Careers Fair which was hosted by The Digital Lab. The fair was organised by the Centre for Student Careers and Skills for Warwick undergraduates and Msc students who are considering their career options or may be seeking employment upon graduation this year.



Thu 05 Aug 2010, 13:22 | Tags: Full-time Masters

Warwick Students Win RoboCup Rescue Championship in Germany

University of Warwick students have won the RoboCup Rescue Championship in Germany. The students developed their rescue robot in a team project bringing together Engineering and Computer Science students at the University of Warwick which entered the 9th RoboCup German Open in Magdeburg (April 15-18 2010).

The Warwick student team won first place overall and best in class for mobility. The robots are designed to crawl over and through difficult terrain or such as destroyed buildings in search of trapped survivors. The German competition put the robot through its paces in a simulated disaster environment which requires robots to demonstrate their capabilities in mobility, sensory perception, planning, mapping, and operator interfaces, while searching for simulated victims in difficult environments.


Tue 20 Apr 2010, 12:14 | Tags: Education Full-time Masters

First meeting of WMG international partners

WMG has been working with overseas partners since 1990 to deliver its award winning education programme.

For the first time all the overseas collaborative partners met at a workshop hosted by our partners in Thailand, the Regional Centre for Manufacturing Industry at Chulalongkorn University. The objective of the meeting was to share experiences and best practise.

Attending the workshop were representatives from WMG; Chulalongkorn University; Hong Kong PolyU; Hong Kong VTC; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; SIM; SIMTech and Confederation of Indian Industry.

 WMG international education partners


To find out more on courses offered at our international centres visit: 

The Queen presents WMG with a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education

The Queen has formally presented the University of Warwick and WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group) with a Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education at a special ceremony and reception at Buckingham Palace on Friday 19th February.

Queen's Anniversary Prize for WMG

The University of Warwick has won Royal recognition for the work of WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group) with the award of a Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education.

The 21 winners of the eighth round of the Queen's Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education were announced by the Founder and Chairman of the Royal Anniversary Trust, Robin Gill CVO at a special reception at St James's Palace on the evening of Wednesday 18th November.

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya

Stepping Stones Programme Highly Commended by Network Rail

The Stepping Stones Programme, run jointly by WMG and Warwick Business School, has been "Highly Commended" in Network Rail's first annual Partnership Awards.

Network Rail proclaimed that "The programme succeeded in developing energetic, self-sufficient and motivated managers who are empowered to lead, willing to challenge and skilled in teambuilding."

The Prestigeous Partnership Awards provide an occasion for Network Rail to reward and recognise excellence and best practice among organisations that have worked with them and helped them to achieve their aims and objectives over the past year.

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