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Stepping Stones Programme Highly Commended by Network Rail

The Stepping Stones Programme, run jointly by WMG and Warwick Business School, has been "Highly Commended" in Network Rail's first annual Partnership Awards.

Network Rail proclaimed that "The programme succeeded in developing energetic, self-sufficient and motivated managers who are empowered to lead, willing to challenge and skilled in teambuilding."

The Prestigeous Partnership Awards provide an occasion for Network Rail to reward and recognise excellence and best practice among organisations that have worked with them and helped them to achieve their aims and objectives over the past year.

Stepping Stones is a suite of three modular programmes: Senior Leaders (now 36 people per year), Business Leaders (now 250 people per year) and Front Line Leaders (now 100 people per year); WMG and WBS have been delivering the programmes with great success for three years, producing over 1000 graduates who have made a real impact to the delivery of Network Rail's business. This success is demonstrated by Network Rail's commitment to a further 2 years of the programme.

More information about Network Rail's Partnership Awards can be found on the Network Rail website; further details of WMG's Professional Programmes and other education programmes are available on the WMG website.