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GLOBE Centre launches Policy Brief Series

The Centre for Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy (GLOBE) at Warwick Law School launched a Policy Brief Series on 5 February 2018.

The series aims to provide short, policy-relevant briefings on issues of public interest and contemporary concerns within the GLOBE Centre’s thematic areas, written by GLOBE Centre colleagues.

The series supports the GLOBE Centre’s objective of disseminating our academic research in an accessible and relevant manner to broader audiences, including policymakers, the media, civil society groups and the general public. Each Policy Brief in the series will be based on the author’s current or recently published research and authors can be contacted for further information about the issues raised.

Brexit: Photo Courtesy of porta gda

Thu 08 Feb 2018, 11:34 | Tags: GLOBE Centre

Risky business – new research explores how corporate law undermines financial stability

With the effects of the 2007 credit crunch still being felt around the world, a new book by Dr Andreas Kokkinis, Assistant Professor in the University of Warwick’s School of Law, explores whether traditional models of corporate governance fail to promote financial stability.

Corporate Law and Financial Instability explores the tension between corporate governance systems focused around shareholders who want to maximise their returns, and prudential regulation where risk-taking must be controlled in order to safeguard financial stability.

Fri 01 Dec 2017, 16:42 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Publication, postgraduate, Book2017

The Law and Development Research Network is now live

The Law and Development Research Network (LDRN) was launched on 22 September 2017 by nine founding institutions, including Warwick Law School.

Warwick Law School academics, Dr Sam Adelman, Emeritus Professor Abdul Paliwala, Dr Celine Tan and Dr Sharifah Sekalala all participated in the signing of the LDRN Charter, which took place at the University of Antwerp. As a founding member, Warwick Law School will play a key role in developing the network and organising activities and programmes under its umbrella.

Fri 13 Oct 2017, 14:51 | Tags: Development and Human Rights Cluster, GLOBE Centre

Student-supervisor duo highlight contradictions in financial market safety mechanisms

In recent times, there has been a raft of new legislative initiatives aimed at reducing systemic risk in financial markets.

In their article published in the Journal of International Banking and Financial Law (JIBFL), a leading periodical for practitioners, Dr Stephen Connelly and PhD student Saveethika Leesurakarn from University of Warwick’s School of Law looked at how these initiatives interacted and asked whether there could be problems.

The article is available through LexisNexis, featuring highly in the edition immediately following acclaimed contributors to the field, and headlining the print edition.

Law, risk and finance for energy infrastructure investment in developing economies

In response to the growing demand for energy infrastructure investment in both developed and developing countries, experts convened at Queen Mary’s Centre for Commercial Law Studies, University of London, 26 January, to deliberate the commercial and political risks and mechanisms for mitigation.

The conference, titled “Law risk, & finance: time to rethink for the energy sector”, attracted over 75 attendees, comprising students, policy-makers and practitioners in a session that illustrated the growing importance of risk mitigation through political risk insurance instruments and contributed to greater global awareness of the benefits of such risk mitigation tools in promoting foreign investment in infrastructure development

Dr Giuliano Castellano: Shedding Light on EU Financial Regulators

Access Dr Giuliano Castellano's recently published paper 'Shedding Light on EU Financial Regulators: A Sociological and Psychological Perspective'.

Co-authored with Geneviève Helleringer (ESSEC Business School; University of Oxford - Institute of European and Comparative Law) and published by Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, the article adopts a socio-psychological perspective to approach financial regulation in the European Union.

The impact of BREXIT on UK agricultural policy

Fiona Smith is Professor of International Economic Law at Warwick Law School and has a specialist interest in international agricultural trade. She is working on the impact of BREXIT on UK agricultural policy, specifically how the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) rules will affect the UK’s trade in food and agricultural policy after BREXIT.

Fiona was a member of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society’s Farmers Scientist Network expert group that produced the influential ‘The Implications of BREXIT for UK Agriculture’ (2016). Following the June 2016 Referendum, Fiona has given written evidence to the Welsh Assembly, and the British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly on BREXIT and agriculture. Find out more. In December 2016, she also gave oral evidence to the House of Commons’ International Trade Committee.

Fiona was also interviewed by Jonty Bloom for the Radio 4 programme, ‘In Business: BREXIT and the Future of British Farming.’

Sharifah Sekalala's New Blog Entry

Sharifah Sekalala has written a new blog entry for the Health and Human Rights Journal.

Will Africa's New Scorecard Promote Universal Health Coverage?

Read the full blog.

Wed 09 Nov 2016, 12:06 | Tags: GLOBE Centre

Dr Ben Farrand spoke at an interdisciplinary event, ‘99 Days: UK-EU Relations under Theresa May’s Government’

Dr Ben Farrand spoke at an interdisciplinary event, ‘99 Days: UK-EU Relations under Theresa May’s Government’ on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 at the University of Warwick. The format is a series of talks about UK-EU relations post-Brexit, and it’s being organised by the Warwick Department of Economics and the Warwick Policy Lab. For further details, please visit:

Tue 18 Oct 2016, 09:21 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Seminar

GLOBE Workshop 'Trade and Investment in a Post-Brexit World: Regaining Control or in for a Ride?

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

5.30pm - 7pm

R.0.0.3, Ramphal Building, Library Road, University of Warwick

(followed by a drinks reception at the Ramphal Foyer)

Following the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, questions remain as to what shape its trade and investment relationship with the EU and the rest of the world will look like. Does a brave new world of trade and investment deals beckon? Or will Britain be constrained by its lack of negotiating capacity? What might the broader (e.g. social and environmental) impact of Britain’s trade policy decision-making be? Join our experts to find out more.


Chair: Professor Fiona Smith, Warwick Law School

This event is free of charge but please register your interest here.

Directions on how to get to Warwick University can be found here. Interactive and downloadable maps of campus can also be found here.

For further details, please contact:

This event is organised by the GLOBE Centre in conjunction with the Centre for Globalisation and Regioanlisation (CSGR) and the Global Governance Global Research Priority.

Click here

Wed 28 Sep 2016, 11:45 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Research

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