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Departmental news

WMG announces major new academic posts

WMG is looking to make a number of key academic appointments across its full range of research activities in Digital Technologies, Materials and Manufacturing and Operations and Business Management, in order to enhance and expand its capabilities in these developing areas.

The new posts cover a range of research, teaching and knowledge transfer activities, working with partners in diverse business sectors such as automotive, aerospace and defence, digital, healthcare, finance, energy and pharmaceuticals.

The Group are currently looking for world class individuals who want to make a real impact in their field. The following roles are available:

Other key academic positions in Cyber Security, Digital Product Lifecycle Management, Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Nanocomposites will also be announced shortly.

Jaguar Land Rover funds new Professor at WMG to lead key Hybrid / Battery Electric Vehicle Digital Product Innovation

Professor Lord Kumar BhattacharyyaJaguar Land Rover has announced that they are to fund a new Chair (Professor) in WMG at the University of Warwick as a key element in their strategic relationship with WMG.

The new Chair is not expected to be a lone appointment, they will lead a new team which will achieve international research leadership in simulation support of the vital complex hybrid and battery electric component and systems innovation, so essential to enable JLR to embrace and robustly deploy these new vehicle technologies and continue to successfully compete in the automotive sector into the Low Carbon future.

Wed 02 May 2012, 12:46 | Tags: WMG Comments Partnerships Lord Bhattacharyya

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya discusses Midlands Manufacturing and re-balancing of the economy

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya spoke to Patrick Burns on The Politics Show in the Midlands yesterday (Sunday 11th December) on the revival of Jaguar Land Rover and manufacturing in the Midlands.

Mon 12 Dec 2011, 09:33 | Tags: Lord Bhattacharyya

Lord Bhattacharyya tells Financial Times that we need new Bank to back manufacturing

Professor Lord Kumar BhattacharyyaWMG Director has given an extensive interview to the Financial Times Manufacturing Editor Peter Marsh calling on the Government to create a new Bank to back manufacturing. He said the new institution was needed to establish a “change of culture” towards manufacturing businesses by conventional banks which he accused of being too “short-term” in their approach.

Tue 02 Aug 2011, 13:33 | Tags: WMG Comments Lord Bhattacharyya

Tata Steel and the Royal Academy of Engineering establish new Chair at the University of Warwick

kerry_with_worldfirst_sm.jpgTata Steel RD&T and the Royal Academy of Engineering are jointly funding a new Chair for research into Low Carbon Materials Technology at WMG at the University of Warwick.

The two partners will put £600,000 into the new Research Chair.

Beijing Academy of Science and Technology (BJAST)

BJAST Director of International Relations, Mrs Li Li, Vice-President, Mr Li Yonjin, meet Professor Lord Bhattacharyya and Mr Stephen Raynor of WMG, July 2011Today WMG welcomed representatives from BJAST, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology - China's largest local scientific research institute.

The party consisted of Mr Li Yonjin, Vice-President of BJAST and their Director of International Relations, Mrs Li Li, pictured meeting WMG's Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya and Mr Stephen Raynor.

There are currently 25 senior staff from BJAST at WMG on the first of what is hoped will be a series of intensive four–week management courses. Mr Li is here to monitor their progress and discuss future co-operation with WMG.

Formal agreement signed between WMG and Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia

UPNM signingAt an event hosted today by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority the Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and the Business Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, The Right Honourable Vince Cable MP witnessed the exchange by Professor Lord Bhattacharyya and Lt Jen Dato’ Wira Allatif bin Mohd Noor of the signed formal agreement for WMG to deliver their world renowned Engineering Business Management MSc at Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM).

Wed 13 Jul 2011, 19:02 | Tags: Lord Bhattacharyya Full-time Masters

WMG welcomes Heads of Research Councils from the G8

g8_heads_of_research_council_110711-sm.jpgWMG founder and Director Professor Lord Bhattacharyya hosted a visit today for the Heads of Research Councils from the G8.

This is part of a two day programme hosted by Research Councils UK providing an opportunity to discuss research policy, funding and international cooperation. In its thirtieth year, the meeting is an important part in maintaining relationships between the UK and its global partners.

Mon 11 Jul 2011, 19:23 | Tags: Visits Lord Bhattacharyya Research

WMG and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University sign memorandum of understanding

WMG welcomed the Vice-Chancellor and the senior leadership team from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in South Africa. WMG and NMMU are developing a series of innovative programmes focussed on the global opportunities in areas such as automotive and materials, and areas of shared interest such as provision of efficient and effective health care.

Mon 04 Jul 2011, 17:07 | Tags: Visits Lord Bhattacharyya

Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya receives an Honorary Membership Award from the American Society of Manufacturing Engineers

Professor Lord Kumar BhattacharyyaThe American Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) has awarded Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya an Honorary Membership Award. This award is one of the most prestigious honours presented by the society and is reserved for those exhibiting professional eminence among manufacturing engineers.

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya was recognised for his ability and stature, plus contribution of his substantial skills and talent to accomplish the goals of society. He is the only person from outside of the USA to receive the award in the last ten years.

Mon 04 Jul 2011, 13:36 | Tags: Lord Bhattacharyya

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