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WMG and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University sign memorandum of understanding

WMG welcomed the Vice-Chancellor and the senior leadership team from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in South Africa. WMG and NMMU are developing a series of innovative programmes focussed on the global opportunities in areas such as automotive and materials, and areas of shared interest such as provision of efficient and effective health care.

WMG and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Sign Memorandum of Understanding

Professor Lord Bhattacharyya and the Vice-Chancellor of NMMU Professor Derrick Swartz signed the Memorandum of Understanding.

In welcoming the delegation Professor Lord Bhattacharyya highlighted the importance of this opportunity to forge the long term and mutually beneficial strategic relationship with NMMU.

Mon 04 Jul 2011, 17:07 | Tags: Visits Lord Bhattacharyya