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Departmental news

Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies' Annual Lecture

You're warmly invited to the Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies' Annual Lecture on Weds 19th June at 5pm in the FAB Cinema, followed by a wine reception.

Entitled Ecologisation is not a metaphor: Culture in the Web of Life, the lecture draws from Dr. Sterling's research, critically examining heritage and museums through the lens of art and ecology. Abstract and bio below. Please register here opens in a new window

The lecture forms part of our PGR conference Being Human in the Media and Creative Industries, that will run throughout the day on 19th June. Details and registration page for that are hereLink opens in a new window.

We hope to see you there!


Ecological thinking has long been entangled with different ideas about how to organise political, economic and social life. In the face of climate change and the environmental crisis, the urgency of thinking and acting ecologically has only intensified. Cultural actors and institutions have mobilised to address these concerns with new environmental programming, innovative sustainability strategies, and declarations of a climate and ecological emergency. This talk will argue that such shifts don’t just point towards alternative ways of living on and with the planet, they also instigate a fundamental reorientation of culture in the web of life. Drawing on the work of Jason Moore, this conceptualisation recognises that – like all forms of human organisation – cultural policies and practices are always co-constituted through nature. By focusing on the evolving place of museums in this web, the talk will explore how museums have contributed to the planetary crisis through specific symbolic and material practices, but also how emerging approaches in the field might, in some small way, help to ecologise society more broadly.

Colin Sterling is Assistant Professor / Senior Lecturer in Heritage, Museums and the Environment at the University of Amsterdam, where he teaches across heritage and memory, museum studies and artistic research. Colin's research critically examines heritage and museums through the lens of art and ecology. He is the author of Heritage, Photography, and the Affective Past (Routledge, 2020) and co-editor of Deterritorializing the Future: Heritage in, of and after the Anthropocene (Open Humanities Press, 2020). He is co-editor of the journal Museums & Social Issues.

Mon 10 Jun 2024, 10:38 | Tags: Arts Faculty News

Impact Development Workshop

Please note that R&IS advise that this workshop is intended for research active staff and research students.


Wednesday 3 July 2024, 12:00-15:00hrs [Lunch will be provided]


Wolfson Research Exchange (The Library)

Who should attend

University of Warwick Research Active Staff (staff on Research-focussed, Teaching-focussed and Research and Teaching contracts), and PhD students.

Participants will ideally have some introductory knowledge of impact and how it can be evaluated. Please see resources from two recent webinars on this on the booking page.


Previously called 'Pathways to Impact', this workshop covers how to develop impact plans and how to embed impact within research projects and research grant applications.

The workshop enables participants to:

o Interrogate their research in order to identify what range of beneficiaries would be able to utilise research findings.

o Understand how to formulate impact strategies

o Ensure that impact is woven throughout your research grant application following the removal of Pathways to Impact documents.

o Build evaluation, measurement and recording of impact into your work.

o Network and exchange ideas and perspectives about developing impact with colleagues from other disciplines.


Please book hereLink opens in a new window. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Any questions?

Please contact Lesley Chikoore

Thu 06 Jun 2024, 11:29 | Tags: Arts Faculty News

Conference Report - Demokratie 50 years after Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe (May 3-5 2023)

This was a slightly unusual conference in that was directed to the detailed exploration of the Geschichtlicher Grundbegriffe (henceforth GG) entry on Demokratie  written 50 years ago, which has had a profound influence, not only on German historiography. But also on the way in which political ideas are discussed in, especially, Central and Northern Europe. 

The conference circulated both an epitome of the GG entry, and a detailed agenda for discussion. The six key speakers (German speaking experts from the region) whose travel we supported were given the task of responding to the different topics on the agenda in turn, and then, in each session, the floor was opened to others attending. These included a number of senior people in the field from Oxford, Cambridge , Sussex, Nottingham, York, etc.

Full Report

Wed 17 May 2023, 10:28 | Tags: Humanities Research Centre News Arts Faculty News

Research Excellence Celebration Event - Wednesday 14th December 2022

Research Celebration Event – Wednesday 14 December 2022

All staff are warmly invited to the Research Celebration Event that will be taking place on Wednesday 14 December in The Slate.

As we look forward to 2023, we wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate the outstanding research and impact undertaken by Warwick staff and students and highlight the amazing effort and achievements that underpin the University’s success. The event will feature presentations and videos showcasing world-leading research and impact work from each of our three Faculties, while also recognising the enormous contribution made by staff from across the University to our excellent performance in REF2021. Running from 3pm until 8pm, it will also offer the chance to catch up with colleagues over drinks and nibbles and to relax at the end of another busy term!

All staff with an interest in research, including those in support, administrative and technical roles, are welcome to come to this event to join the celebration. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, so please register here to avoid disappointment: opens in a new window

Wed 23 Nov 2022, 14:40 | Tags: Arts Faculty News

Arts in Action: The Faculty of Arts Impact Conference - 22nd March 2023

We are delighted to announce Arts in Action: The Faculty of Arts Impact Conference, taking place on Wednesday 22 March 2023 in Radcliffe Conference Centre, the University of Warwick.

  • Weds 22 March 2023
  • 09:00 – 16:30
  • Radcliffe Conference Centre
  • Lunch will be provided - please make sure to register your attendance so we can cater accordingly

* Registration is now open * - Booking LinkLink opens in a new window

This event is open to all Arts and Humanities researchers, at any career stage and of all levels of experience in research impact. Doctoral students are also welcome.

With a schedule of thematic panels - including, amongst others, ‘Public Engagement as a Pathway to Impact’, ‘Environment, Sustainability, and Net-Zero’ and ‘Contributing to and Supporting the Cultural Sector’ - this event is designed to:

  • Encourage discussion about what research impact is at a fundamental level
  • Facilitate interdisciplinary discussion, bringing together researchers at all stages of the impact journey and providing a forum for sharing ideas, best practice and opportunities for collaboration
  • Celebrate and share the rich portfolio of impact work in the faculty thus far, reflect on REF 2021, set the scene for new and emerging impact work and inspire ambitious projects
  • Share and discuss sector updates and situate our faculty impact activity in the national landscape
  • Provide a springboard for those newer to impact work

Therefore, we hope this event will enable the Faculty of Arts at Warwick to participate in a wider discussion about impact, its role in the future of research, and how our faculty can be at the leading edge of this area.

For further information, please visit the event webpageLink opens in a new window or get in touch with the Faculty of Arts Impact Team on opens in a new window.

Thu 10 Nov 2022, 14:47 | Tags: Arts Faculty News

PhD funding announcement for Midlands4Cities Collaborative Doctoral Award

Applications now open for fully-funded PhD Studentship (fees and maintenance) with the Lord Leycester Hospital

Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship (fees and maintenance) to be held at the Department of History, University of Warwick and the Lord Leycester Hospital, Warwick. The studentship is funded through the Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training PartnershipLink opens in a new window and will start in October 2023. The Department of History has partnered with the Lord Leycester Hospital to offer a project on ‘Almshouse, Guild and Town Community: The Lord Leycester Hospital in its Urban Setting’. In addition to the PhD research the successful candidate will also gain experience and training in contributing to outreach and public engagement activities, including developing an exhibition.

In 2020, the Hospital secured a 3.8 million National Lottery Grant for restoration of the Grade I and II listed buildings, along with other improvements and engagement activities. This will include the creation of four new museum and exhibition spaces exploring and showcasing the Hospital’s 700-year history.

The project will be supervised jointly by Dr Naomi Pullin (Warwick), Professor Beat Kümin (Warwick), and Dr Heidi Meyer (Master of the Lord Leycester Hospital).

For more information about the project please contact Naomi Pullin ( opens in a new window) or Beat Kümin ( opens in a new window). Applications need to reach the University of Warwick by 11 January 2023: opens in a new window.

Sun 30 Oct 2022, 00:00 | Tags: Funding Opportunity Arts Faculty News

ECLS Halloween Special

ECLS Halloween Special

The English and Comparative Literary Studies department warmly invite staff and students from across the

Faculty of Arts to join us for an afternoon of events celebrating our Gothic/Horror research and interests on:

Monday 31st October, 12-5pm in FAB 5.49 (ECLS Hub)

A draft outline is below and a more detailed schedule will be updated in coming days here: opens in a new window

12 -1pmGothic Projects

Two PhD students will introduce us to their projects on the UK as gothic ideology and Victorian Spiritualism.

1-2pmGothic Transformations

The English department student-led Transformations team will introduce the gothic reader and the witches reader produced each year in conjunction with local schools and will delight use with a dramatisation of a gothic scene related to their work.

1.30-2pm Minor Hauntings: An Introduction and Reading

Dr Jen Baker introduces and gives a short reading from her edited collection Minor Hauntings: Chilling Tales of Spectral Youth which was published as part of the British Library Tales of the Weird seriesLink opens in a new window in 2021.

2-2.30pm Fireside Readings

Student-led mini-critical introduction and reading from Gothic texts.2.30-3pm Fireside Readings

Student-led mini-critical introduction and reading from Gothic texts.

3-3.30pm Fireside Readings

Student-led mini-critical introduction and reading from Gothic texts.

3.30-4pm Fireside Dramatic Read-a-long:

A student-hosted dramatic read-a-long where you, the audience, will take on roles of in a Gothic reading.

4 - 5pm Gothic pop-up books: A mini-workshop

Come and learn about and play with a host of Gothic pop-up books and some of the ways in which we can use them to challenge ideas of what is a book and what is literary!

5-7pm Secret Cinema (FAB 0.03) (booking required)

Screening of a Literary Adaptation of a Gothic text

Mon 17 Oct 2022, 17:45 | Tags: Arts Faculty News

Warwick Words History Festival

Researchers from the Department of History will be delivering a series of talks at Warwick Words History Festival. Now in its twentieth year, Warwick Words is a popular annual event, bringing internationally acclaimed historians to share stories from the past to venues around Warwick.

Since 2012, the University of Warwick has collaborated with the festival on a series titled Tea Time Talks, where academics from the Department of HistoryLink opens in a new window discuss their research. This year, topics are:

The programme also includes a play written by PhD student David FletcherLink opens in a new window and performed by Loft Theatre company: Taking the WatersLink opens in a new window tells the story of a cholera epidemic that took place in Leamington Spa in 1849, and the medical and political conflicts that surrounded it.

Other speakers at the festival include Tracy Borman, Max Hastings, Dan Jones, Adam Rutherford, Charles Spencer and Alison Weir.

Tickets are available from Warwick Words’ website: opens in a new window 

Tue 27 Sep 2022, 16:34 | Tags: Arts Faculty News