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Departmental news

Professor Sandra Chapman awarded Johannes Geiss Fellowship

Professor Sandra Chapman has been awarded the 2023 Johannes Geiss Fellowship of the International Space Science Institute.

The International Space Science Institute at Bern, Switzerland is an Institute of Advanced Study where scientists from all over the world meet in a multi- and interdisciplinary setting to reach out for new scientific horizons. The main function is to contribute to the achievement of a deeper understanding of the results from different space missions, ground based observations and laboratory experiments.

Chapman's research at ISSI during the fellowship will focus on the fundamental physics of plasma turbulence with particular emphasis on recently launched missions - NASA's Parker Solar Probe and ESA'a Solar Orbiter - which will explore the sun's expanding atmosphere- the solar wind - close to the sun, to within the orbit of Mercury, for the first time. Plasma turbulence may provide the answer to one of the outstanding mysteries of the solar system, how the solar wind is heated and accelerated.

One Johannes Geiss Fellowship is awarded each year. The fellowship is named for the founder of ISSI, a distinguished space plasma physicist who pioneered interdisciplinarity.   

Dr Ravindra Desai awarded two Royal Astronomical Society Awards

Congratulations to Dr Ravindra Desai who has been awarded two Royal Astronomical Society awards, the Winton awardLink opens in a new window and the Higher Education awardLink opens in a new window.

Ravindra commented "I am over the moon to receive these awards, the RAS has been a tremendous support throughout my academic journey and I look forward to engaging with them further in the future."

Read more about Ravindra's awards.

Fri 13 Jan 2023, 16:30 | Tags: announcements, Funding and Scholarships

PhD funding in partnership with Rutherford Appleton Laboratory awarded to two academics

Dr Xianguo Lu and Dr John Back have received funding from Science Technology and Facilities Council (STFC) for two PhD studentships for 3.5 years with top up funding provided by the University. The studentships will allow the students access to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), one of Europe’s largest multidisciplinary scientific research laboratories and the UK’s national centre for experimental particle physics.

The Particle Physics Department at RAL recruit 5-11 graduates every year, and each student is registered for a degree at a partner University.

Dr Back's project is titled "Physics studies for the Muon Collider target system" and the student will study and optimise the pion-to-muon production yields and radiation dose (energy deposition rates) for the target system that is being designed for the Muon Collider, which has great potential to be a future facility for high-energy physics research. The student would spend time both at Warwick and at RAL, working in partnership with Dr. Chris Densham's High Power Targets Group that is at the leading edge of target engineering, with the possibility of visits to CERN.

Dr Lu’s project is titled ‘Next-generation neutrino experiments in nuStorm’ and will evaluate and optimise the nuSTORM neutrino physics capabilities for processes in and beyond the Standard Model. The student would spend time both at Warwick and at the RAL with the possibility of long-term visits to CERN and working alongside physicists in the CERN neutrino group.

The positions will start in Autumn 2023. Applications are now open, with a deadline of 2nd February. Find out more.

Two European Research Council funding grants secured

Congratulations to Dr Rebecca Milot and Dr Matt Kenzie who have both secured European Research Council Starting Grants, following the first call for proposals under the EU's new R&I programme, Horizon Europe.

Dr Rebecca Milot has been awarded €2,473,363 to investigate one of the most promising new materials for solar energy conversion, metal halide perovskites.

Dr Matt Kenzie's award of €1,490,202 will aim to enhance our understanding of the physics underpinning the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe, which is fundamental in explaining how our universe arrived at its present state.

Read more about the research projects.

Future Leaders Fellowships

The Department of Physics is delighted to host two highly-prestigious UKRI Future Leaders Fellows.

Heather Cegla will join the Astronomy and Astrophysics group working on the project "A Pathway to the Confirmation and Characterisation of Habitable Alien Worlds", and Benjamin Richards will join EPP to work on the "Search for diffuse supernova background in Gd based water Cherenkov experiments".

Fri 20 Sep 2019, 10:32 | Tags: Feature News, Funding and Scholarships, Awards

Warwick signs a Joint PhD agreement with Nanyang Technological University in Singapore

The University has signed an agreement with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) to establish a new framework that enables all interested departments to offer a joint PhD programme.

Physics is the first department to set up a Joint PhD programme under this agreement, organised by John Hanna.

UK’s first 1GHz solid-state NMR spectrometer

Part of a new £20 million investment by EPSRC in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) equipment across UK institutions, the £8M, 1GHz NMR instrument at Warwick will provide new structural and dynamic information in chemistry, materials science and biology. It will add to our already significant NMR capabilities that include the 850MHz high-field solid-state NMR National Research Facility, which has been serving a broad academic and industrial user-base since 2010.

Tue 15 May 2018, 17:09 | Tags: Feature News, Funding and Scholarships, Faculty of Science

Marin Alexe's cutting-edge electronics research receives £1.75m boost from EPSRC

Professor Marin Alexe  has been awarded grants for two research projects in the field of ferroelectricity – which may lead to breakthroughs in nanotechnology, and memory storage in everyday devices.

Researchfish submission deadline

FINAL REMINDER: we all, staff and RCUK-funded PhD students (normally in their third year of study), have until Thursday, March 16th, 2017 (inclusive) to complete our “researchfish” submissions. Please make sure that you have indeed “submitted”. Your reward should be an email similar to the one I received below. So, if in doubt whether you have indeed been successful in finding the “submit” button on researchfish, you can also search for “successfully submitted the award” among your received emails (please make sure you search the 2017 one, not last years).

Wed 15 Mar 2017, 17:26 | Tags: Funding and Scholarships, Research

IAS Visiting Fellows 2016 (Theory Group and CSC)

The Warwick Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) has invited two leading Chinese professors with a theoretical and computational physics background to spend 1 week at the IAS in collaboration with the Warwick Centre for Scientific Computing, the GRP Materials (Multiscale Modelling) and the Department of Physics. Profs. Lin and Guan are senior professors in the Chinese academic environment. Both have returned from outside mainland China in the last 5 years to take up prestigious positions.

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