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Professor Sandra Chapman


Sandra Chapman is primarily but not exclusively a plasma physicist working on problems in astrophysics and in the laboratory. She is currently Professor of Physics and Director of the Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics at the University of Warwick. Here is a brief biography

As well as a number of STFC, EPSRC and EC funded research programmes, her work has been recognised and supported by:

Awards and Honours

Research Fellowships

  • 2023 International Space Science Institute Johannes Geiss Fellow, ISSI, Bern
  • 2017 Fulbright-Lloyd’s of London Scholarship, Boston University recipient-banner-2017-18.gif
  • 2003 Radcliffe Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies, Harvard
  • 2003 NESTA Dream Time Fellow; Warwick, Harvard, and Antarctica (BAS)
  • 1995 PPARC Lecturer Research Fellow, Warwick
  • 1995 Nuffield Foundation Science Research Fellow, Warwick
  • 1989 Royal Society/JSPS Fellow, Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University
  • 1988 Postdoctoral Fellow, QMW, London, Kyoto University, Sussex University

Visiting Scholar Positions

  • 2012-15, 2021-24 Adjunct Professor in Mathematics and Statistics, University of Tromso
  • 2019 High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Visiting Researcher
  • 2016 Senior Researcher Guest Scientist, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact (PIK)
  • 2013-14 Senior Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
  • 2004 Visiting Professor, University of Uppsala Centre for Dynamical Processes and Structure Formation
  • 1998 Visiting Professor in Physics, RASC, Kyoto University

Wider interests: science meets art

physics inspired works in 3DLink opens in a new window and NESTA Dreamtime works

The design of the Physics Entrance Hall

More Pictures of Sandra Chapman

Textbook: Core Electrodynamics

Latest edition available from Springer

Print ISBN 978-3-030-66816-7

Online ISBN 978-3-030-66818-1

Publication lists and citation data

Disclaimer, this is experimental, it may not work for your browser, there may be papers missing, or counted twice!

orchid.png 0000-0003-0053-1584

from Google ScholarLink opens in a new window

from ResearcherID C-2116-2008

 RG ResearchGate

Contact Details

Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics,
Physics Department,
University of Warwick,
Coventry, CV4 7AL,

+44 (0) 24 7615 0897
