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Departmental news

Business Benefits - PG Approval upload facility automation

IT Services have worked with the Student Admissions & Recruitment Office to improve the efficiency of processing supporting documents for postgraduate admissions with the introduction of a new application for managing the supporting documents submitted by applicants. The application has been live for several months. The application has processed 36480 documents for just over 13000 applications since it went live in November last year. The average processing time per document has decreased from 2.30 mins under the previous, semi-manual process to just a few seconds. This represents a significant saving in staff time and means the documents are available to approvers much earlier in the approval process.

Thu 21 Apr 2011, 11:30 | Tags: admissions, student admin

Business Process Management Applications Unavailable

In order to improve the performance and resilience of the business process supported by the Business Process Management (BPM) application, the underlying hardware is scheduled to be replaced on the 21st and 22nd February 2011.

During this time the following automated business processes will be unavailable:-

  • Postgraduate applications and approvals
  • Graduate School scholarship applications (closed) and nominations
  • Course Transfers
  • Research Development Fund applications
  • IT Services Change management (Request For Change)

Apologies for any inconvenience this work will cause you or your customers.

Fri 18 Feb 2011, 11:34 | Tags: admissions, scholarships, postgraduate, student admin

Postgraduate Course & Graduate School Scholarship Application Process Improvement

ITS have worked closely with the Graduate School and PG Admissions Office over recent months to streamline the Postgraduate Course and Graduate School Scholarship application and approval processes.

As of 1st November, applicants for postgraduate courses can at the same time apply for a scholarship. Course approvers can make a decision on the course application and nomination for the scholarship simultaneously, or defer the scholarship decision to a colleague if they wish.

 For further info, please see

Fri 12 Nov 2010, 14:28 | Tags: Graduate School, admissions, scholarships, postgraduate