Latest News
Professor Alison Cooley appointed Director of the Institute of Advanced Study
Alison (Classics and Ancient History) says her new role is an opportunity to “foster interdisciplinary research, help promote a positive research culture, strengthen our international profile, and assist in attracting and supporting the best postdoctoral researchers across all disciplines.”
The Future is Today: marking 60 years with major printmaking exhibition
Warwick turns 60 in 2025 – and so does our art collection! To mark the occasion, the Mead Gallery in our Arts Centre is holding a landmark exhibition celebrating the enduring power of printmaking, with 160 works by iconic artists from Andy Warhol and Damien Hirst to Tracey Emin and David Hockney.
University House and WMG access restricted on Wednesday 22 January
On Wednesday 22 January, access to University House will be restricted to staff only and WMG buildings will move to a single point of access. This is in response to a planned rally on Wednesday.
Professor Alison Cooley appointed Director of the Institute of Advanced Study
Find out more about Alison and the Institute of Advanced Study.
Upgrades to our information security
Great news: a new upgrade to our information security operations, from our new provider TCS, marks a major step towards enhancing our cyber security by improving our proactive threat detection, monitoring, and response.
Changes to IDG service desk
The Information and Digital Group (IDG) is moving service desk telephone support to a new provider, to extend and improve support for IT issues. You’ll still be able to access support through the same service desk phone number and online portal. Read more about the change and the benefits it brings.
Wellbeing in our departments: Tips and tricks
How can we learn from each other – and make use of opportunities and resources on campus – to help support wellbeing in our departments? Denver Thorpe, Staff Wellbeing Co-ordinator for Wellbeing Support Services (WSS), explains.
Dear Diary: How can I be more hopeful?
Hope can help us to overcome obstacles – and higher levels of hope have been linked to improved resilience and overall wellbeing. Inspired by research from Warwick’s Psychology department, we dive into three practical ways you can be more hopeful, at work or home.
Want to get a good night's sleep? Here are six top tips from Warwick's experts...
What can we do to try and encourage our bodies to rest, relax, and slip into a deep, rejuvenating slumber, night after night? Sleep expert Professor Michelle Miller – Professor of Biochemical Medicine, and Sleep, Health & Society Programme Lead – shares her top tips.