Latest News
Monash Warwick Alliance drives innovative research in multicutural sport
Our alliance with Monash University (Australia) provides researchers with the chance to develop joint projects that can lead to impactful, long-term partnerships – find out about some of the exciting work taking place, including research into inclusivity within multicultural cricket teams.
Research collaboration with Singapore universities sheds light on China's new 'Silk Road'
This groundbreaking research collaboration is using theatre and heritage research to shed light on the new Chinese ‘Silk Road’ - which is influencing culture, politics and economics across the globe and has been a key part of Warwick’s Marco Polo International Programme.
Want to help shape Warwick’s Research Culture Strategy?
We’re inviting representatives from our research community, across all roles, to join our Research Culture Strategy Group, explore an ‘ideal future’ and help us decide how to achieve it by 2030.
Can a daily nap do more harm than good?
Or does a brief midday snooze help to keep us alert? In this piece for The Conversation, sleep researcher Dr Talar Moukhtarian (WMS), explains all.
Warwick Research Celebration
Monday 7 April
As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, take the opportunity to look back on and celebrate our collective achievements, and to look ahead to how we're working to make the world a better place. Register by Wednesday 26 March.
Postgraduate Research Experience Feedback survey
We’re asking PGRs to tell us their experience of research supervision and training / development, to help us continually improve. Take a look at the questions and download resources to help encourage PGRs to share their views.
What are the key research culture priorities of the groups you represent, and how would you address them?
Find out what Warwick staff had to say as you explore ‘100+ Warwick-led ideas to improve research culture’, in our Research Culture Catalogue. .
Business and university leaders unite and call for new Industrial Strategy to remove barriers to growth
The panel, chaired by our Vice-Chancellor Professor Stuart Croft, put forward proposals to address structural challenges blocking new businesses, maximise the strengths of research-intensive universities to attract overseas investment, and more.
Research culture hub
Whether it’s REF, funding applications or Warwick’s processes, research culture is mentioned more and more. But what does it mean and how can it help us make Warwick the best place to do research? Explore key definitions, emerging trends and training materials in our new hubLink opens in a new window.