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A city-wide celebration of Coventry

Did you see Coventry Moves Online at the weekend? View highlights from the playful and thought-provoking opening event for Coventry’s year as City of Culture. For a look behind the scenes, watch ‘Curtain Up On Coventry’ on Wednesday 9 June at 7pm on BBC Four, or catch up on BBC iPlayer.

Thu 10 Jun 2021, 11:15 | Tags: REGION

Engaging with a City of Culture

Hear Professor Michael Scott and Professor Helen Wheatley share how we can get stuck into public engagement and why everyone at the University has a role to play, regardless of position. We also learn how to make the most of Coventry's year as UK City of Culture.

Thu 03 Jun 2021, 10:36 | Tags: REGION

June City of Culture Highlights

Discover highlights for this month’s City of Culture programme - including Coventry Moves and the Resonate Festival. Don’t forget to share your experiences of the Festival by using the #ResonateFestival hashtag in your social media posts and help us spread the word. 

Thu 03 Jun 2021, 10:34 | Tags: REGION

Invention month at Resonate Festival

Find out more about some of unique events taking place as part of Invention month at the Resonate Festival.

Sustainability in the Community 
What will the City of the future be built of? What if we could use recycled waste to build a more sustainable city? How can artists, designers and engineers work together to create sustainable cities that work for us all? Join artist Kitty Kaur, Foleshill Creates and Warwick researchers on 27 May to explore how new research is making greener cities a reality and how we can all be a part of deciding how we build back greener

Invention and Mindfulness 
Mindfulness practices have not only been shown to be beneficial for navigating the difficulties of life, but also for engaging in the positives and for cultivating greater creativity, problem-solving and invention. Join a 1-hour session on 27 May exploring what contemporary mindfulness is (and what it isn’t) before engaging in 2 activities designed to slow the mind, body and emotions down whilst heightening our experience of each moment. 

Wed 26 May 2021, 16:42 | Tags: REGION

The Resonate Festival - Warwick's public event programme

We couldn’t be more excited to launch Warwick's Resonate Festival, part of City of Culture, bringing 12 months of talks, exhibitions and film festivals and so much more. Plus there'll be a multi-day festival on campus in April 2022! See what we’ve got in store.

Thu 06 May 2021, 10:09 | Tags: CAMPAIGNS REGION

Current Covid-19 crisis in India

Read a reflection piece from Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor and find out what action we're taking with healthcare partners to support this regional effort.

Wed 05 May 2021, 12:44 | Tags: EXEC TEAM REGION GLOBAL

Join Coventry’s first City Nature Challenge

Get involved in the City Nature Challenge for the first time this year and take photos of plants, trees, insects, or animals that you observe out in the wild around campus and the local area between 30 April and 3 May.

Thu 29 Apr 2021, 11:16 | Tags: CAMPUS COMMUNITY REGION

AHRC Cities of Culture Network: The Coventry Cultural Policy & Evaluation Summit

On the 24 and 25 June Coventry and Warwick universities are holding a dynamic event for regional and national leaders, policy makers and funders, cultural workers and academics involved in the planning, delivery and policy-shaping of UK Cities of Culture and other cultural mega-events including the Commonwealth Games 2022 and Festival UK 2022. 

Fri 23 Apr 2021, 10:05 | Tags: REGION

Warwick “adopts a day” at Coventry Cathedral – 26 April

During this academic year, we have marked the start of each term by 'adopting a day' at Coventry Cathedral to help keep the historic building in our city accessible to everyone. On Monday 26 April, a sign in the nave will welcome our diverse community of students back to the City of Peace and Reconciliation.

Fri 23 Apr 2021, 09:59 | Tags: REGION

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