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Carers Week - 10-16 June

What's it about?

Monday 10 to Sunday 16 June is Carers Week - a national, annual campaign designed to highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.

The theme for Carers Week 2024 is 'Putting carers on the map' - highlighting the increasing pressures that are being put on carers and campaigning for much-needed recognition and support.

>> Visit the Carers Week website to find out more and download resources.

Carer stories

Image of Asha and her mother

"I want her to feel like her voice still matters, that her feelings are valued." - Read Asha's story, on the Carers Week website.

Guidance and support for staff

Carers Staff Network

Warwick's own carers network is for staff who'd like to share their experiences of working alongside caring responsibilities. Find out more

Support for staff

Our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) offers helpful advice for carers, from guidance on understanding your rights to information on support and benefits. Access the EAP

Webinar: Caring for a carer

This webinar from Health Assured, our EAP providers, explores the importance of carers and the ways in which we can support their wellbeing. Watch the webinar

Guidance and support to share with students

Parent & Carers Network

There are unique challenges for students who are also parents or carers alongside their studies. This network provides resources, events and opportunities to connect. Find out more

Caring alongside study

The Wellbeing and Student Support (WSS) webpages have a wealth of guidance for student carers, including links to funding and external providers of support. Visit the WSS site

Library support

Did you know our Library provides additional services for carers? Students can make use of click and collect or postal services, and are invited to speak with academic support librarians. Learn more