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Meet our new Council members

We are pleased to welcome three new members to the University Council; Kate Holden and Wayne Snow, our latest independent members, and Sam Parr from Warwick’s Professional Services.

We spoke to them to find out what drew them to the role and the experience they’re bringing.

Kate Holden, Non-Executive Director and Board Advisor

Why did you want to get involved?

Following an executive career with FTSE 100 businesses and multinationals in the Information and Education industries, I was keen to use the skills, experience and knowledge I gained to support organisations in the Education sector in a non-executive capacity.

My interest stems from an early age growing up on a small island in the Mediterranean where I found real passion in books, reading and learning different languages. This developed into a lifelong learning habit influencing life choices – from my move to the UK to further my education, to travelling the world through work. I learnt that education transforms lives and I am eager at this point in my career, to help others achieve their dreams.

Having initially joined the Finance and General Purposes Committee [FGPC], I got to observe first-hand the ambition and commitment at Warwick.

The prospect of making a major contribution by joining the Council as an independent member, was therefore very exciting!

What is Council and what does it do?

The CouncilLink opens in a new window is Warwick’s governing body. The members are responsible for the University’s overall organisational structure, its finances, property and investments and for setting the general strategic direction.

The Council approves and keeps under review our long-term academic and strategic plans, making sure that these meet the interests of Warwick’s stakeholders, including staff, students, alumni and the local community. The University’s performance and effectiveness are monitored and evaluated against these by Council.

Most of the members are from outside the University, drawn from business and industry. They bring a range of experience and professional expertise to Warwick.

What are you bringing to the role?

My experience in leading business strategy and implementation to deliver profitable growth in global and complex commercial educational environments has been achieved through 25+ years senior management experience with leading brands including Pearson PLC, RELX PLC, Financial Times, and McGraw-Hill Education.

As an independent member of the Council, I bring practical experience of strategy development and performance oversight, governance and board effectiveness, risk management, financial acumen, business development and a strong interpersonal and collaborative style.

I am especially passionate about the use of technology, digital innovation and data-driven insights to create an even better experience for students and staff.

Wayne Snow, Senior Advisor at the Bank of England

Why did you want to get involved?

I am a great believer in the power of education to transform lives. Education has been instrumental in my own life and helping to provide that opportunity to others is why I wanted to join Council.

As the first in my family to attend University and as the beneficiary of scholarships to continue my studies in the United States, improving social mobility and providing access to education is very important to me.

My husband and I are both alumni of Warwick and supported the University’s partnership withIntoUniversityLink opens in a new windowto help young people to progress. Warwick has a great opportunity to lead the way in providing fair access to education.

Warwick has always been a progressive University, and with the increasing numbers of admissions, alongside the socioeconomic inequalities highlighted after Covid, now is the time to demonstrate that leadership. Being on Council is an opportunity to be part of that.

What are you bringing to the role?

I studied MORSE at Warwick and went on to study Statistics and Operations Research at Princeton University.I then moved into financial services with an emphasis on risk management, becoming Chief Risk Officer of two insurance companies. I am now a Senior Advisor at the Bank of England.
It is this focus on risk management and financial resilience that I bring to Council, ensuring the safe execution of the University’s strategy.
Outside of work I am also a trustee for Queer Britain, the UK’s first LGBTQ+ museum where we celebrate the stories and contribution of LGBTQ+ individuals to today’s society. I hope my experience in the field of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will support Warwick’s own progress in this space.

Sam Parr, Programme Manager (Community Values), Education - Dean of Students Office

Why did you want to get involved?
University Council is responsible for ensuring that all staff and students have opportunities to engage with the governance and management of the University by operating in an open, honest and accountable manner. Professional Services staff need a strong, authentic voice on Council to represent their needs and concerns, and to ensure there is meaningful accountability for them.

In the 2023 staff survey colleagues asked for more visible leadership with a clear vision, strategy and priorities, an environment that’s open, transparent and collaborative, with better communication, improved opportunities for staff, and a focus on staff wellbeing. These are issues I'm keen to champion on behalf of colleagues.

What are you bringing to the role?
I have 12 years of experience in Professional Services roles at Warwick, as well as voluntary roles at the University such as co-chair of the LGBTQUIA+ Taskforce, staff lead for the Queering University programme, and senior officer for the UNISON trade union branch at Warwick.

I also have a particular interest in how we establish and uphold our community values, and how we develop and embed inclusive practices across the institution. My current role is Programme Manager for the Community Values Education Programme, which delivers active bystander courses for students.

For more information

Full details of Council’s powers and constitution are set out in the Charter and StatutesLink opens in a new window of the University.

The Statement of Primary ResponsibilitiesLink opens in a new window of the Council outlines the powers and responsibilities of the Council derived from the University Statutes.

The Code of Practice for Corporate GovernanceLink opens in a new window summarises the decisions that can be taken by the University Council relating to corporate governance.