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Warwick People

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Christian Stadler nominated for top global award

Associate Professor Christian Stadler has been shortlisted for the prestigious Thinkers50 awards – regarded as the Oscars of management thinking.

Mon 23 Sept 2013, 14:20 | Tags: Awards and achievements, Staff

Pam Thomas to advise on Science Board for STFC

Professor Pam Thomas of the Department of Physics has been invited to serve on the Science and Technology Facilities Council's Science Board. Pam's role will be to provide high quality scientific advice to the STFC to guide their investment strategy and to help develop their overall science and technology programme.

Fri 13 Sept 2013, 13:54 | Tags: Awards and achievements, Staff

Hoover Institution Research Fellowship: Mark Harrison

Professor of Economics, Mark Harrison has had his Research Fellowship of the Hoover Institution renewed for a further two years. Mark has also been granted $15,000 to visit the Hoover Archives in summer 2014.

Fri 13 Sept 2013, 10:56 | Tags: Awards and achievements, Staff

Bob Wilson receives Local to Global FirstPro award

Bob Wilson, Director of Estates, was given the special Local to Global Award at this year's Coventry and Warwickshire Professional of the Year Awards. The Award recognises Bob's work to bring our region to the attention of a global market through his management of multiple complex construction projects on campus.

Fri 03 May 2013, 11:25 | Tags: Awards and achievements, Senior Management, Staff

Marin Alexe receives Wolfson Research Merit Award

Professor Marin Alexe from Warwick's Department of Physics, has received a Wolfson Research Merit Award form the Royal Society.

Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:46 | Tags: Awards and achievements, Staff

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